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Mander Organ Builders Forum

The Grove & Milton Organs


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  • 5 weeks later...

My disc arrived yesterday and fulfilled all my expectations; it's simply first-rate. The music selection displays the organs to the best, from the glittering 4 rank Great Mixture on the Grove, through its splendidly fiery Tuba and huge 16' Pedal Bombarde to the lovely strings and flutes. The Milton also comes over extremely well; I know that the instrument isn't thought of too highly in some quarters but I think that this recording may well change a few minds and tempt people to attend the summer recital series which are always a treat. Carleton Etherington's playing is excellent, of course, and well displays his intimate knowledge of the organs in Tewkesbury.


One tiny regret. I should love to have heard something played on the little Elliott organ but the disc does run for over 75 minutes so maybe there wasn't the opportunity.

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