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Bevington Mixtures?


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Do any of the members here have experience of Bevington Mixtures from the early 1870’s?

The scenario is as follows. With repairs to an earthquake damaged 1872 Bevington (enlarged to 3 manual in 1896) there are some additions to be made. The Trumpet is to be removed off the Soundboard to make it an independent unit. This leaves the following original pipework on the Great.

Open Diapason 8’

Claribel / St.D. 8’

Dulciana 8’

Principal 4’

Harmonic Flute 4’

Twelfth 2 2/3’

Fifteenth 2’

New spare slide -


Adding a three rank mixture to this, would it be correct to assume that for the era (1872), it would have been a Sesquialtera (17.19.22) breaking back an octave at treble C?

There is a tierce mixture at the top of the 'new' (1896) Swell chorus also – the 17th up to middle C.

Not having any large Bevington’s with a full diapason chorus of that era around this part of the world, (and an in-depth research trip to the U.K. completely out of the budget :( ) I hope that someone here may be able to confirm or correct my assumption.

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A good starting point might be the National Pipe Organ Register (http://www.npor.org.uk/) You can search organs by builder and select dates: click on "NPOR" in the navigation menu, then "Search by builder".


A cursory glance of some of the specs that I saw for "Bevington%" between 1870 and 1873 seemed to suggest that quint-only mixtures predominated, but perhpas more digging might reveal to the contrary.

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Whilst Gwas Bach is correct - there is a problem in that, unless our source has the information, the NPOR won't list the composition of the mixture as it changes across the manual/pedal compass. It might make a worthwhile starting point though. Another possibility would be to send an inquiry to the British Organ Archive (see the NPOR/BIOS web sites) - they hold at least some of the Bevington records.


Every Blessing


(NPOR Editor)

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Thank you both for your suggestions. As Tony has pointed out the information in the NPOR does not give the technical detail required to reconstruct a Bevington Mixture. (The closest that could be found was St. Mary the Virgin Gillingham in Dorset - and there the original III rank mixture was removed). Most of the III rank mixtures are 'Full Mixtures' 12.15.22 as the chorus work otherwise ends at Principal 4'.

The BIOS holdings for Bevington are restricted to only the Work Book for 1905 - 1931. (It covers one of the other Bevingtons damaged in the quakes, but that instrument remains in storage as there is no longer any building for it to be installed in.)

The hunt continues...



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