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Mander Organ Builders Forum

Ulster Hall, Belfast.

James Goldrick

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The Mulholland Grand Organ in Ulster Hall, Belfast is well known as one of the too few examples of William Hill's work left in the country.

An interesting feature of the case are the horizontal trumpets, which were the original W.Hill Solo Tuba.

Do the horizontal resonators in the case function at all? - Particularly with refence to the 'Fanfare Trumpet' added by Manders in 1982. Were the Hill resonators utilised?



James Goldrick

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Guest Geoff McMahon

When we got to this organ, the horizontal reed resonators were there, but they did not do anything. For some reason I don't now remember, we assumed they had always been dummies, so your suggestion that they might have been the original Solo Tuba is interesting. They are indeed now used for the Fanfare Trumpet.


John Pike Mander

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I can only recall that from reading either Clutton/Niland The British Organ or more probably Thistlethwaite's Making of the Victorian Organ that it mentioned the Ulster Hall facade reeds being original Hill Tubas, but please do not hold me to that. I will look up the reference tomorrow at the library.



James Goldrick

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Thistlethwaite states that "[t]he (now) dummy reed resonators which project from the front of the organ are probably relics of 1862 when there is every reason to believe that the tuba was disposed horizontally". You've got a good memory there, James.



Malcolm F

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