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Mander Organ Builders Forum

john carter

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Posts posted by john carter

  1. 39 minutes ago, Martin Cooke said:

    I'm sure that's right, Vox. This could go at any moment whether we like it or not, and Steve has set up an excellent alternative that I am sure we need to decamp to pronto! I do hope that those who are delaying have noted the web address just in case.

    I am grateful to Steve for rapidly setting up a trial alternative that provides an "insurance policy".  However attractive it is, I don't think we should be rushed into "decamping" until we know,  for certain, the status of the existing forum.  Nothing in this life comes free and we cannot expect Steve to bear the sole responsibility for operating a forum for the rest of us to sit back and enjoy.  A time may come when Steve is unwilling or unable to continue as host, so an alternative needs a proper constitution from the start and possibly a sponsor.  However boring legal matters are, we also need to ensure that a public forum complies with Data Protection regulations.   

  2. One of the important aspects we have not yet mentioned is the mass of valuable information that exists in this forum's archive.  It would be dreadful to lose it all at the flick of a switch.  How feasible is it for the whole forum to be transferred complete to new ownership?  With over a thousand members it would surely be possible to invite sufficient donations to pay for the forum to continue uninterrupted, if a suitable moderator was available? 

  3. handsoff wrote:  Most organists I know don't like the first movement of Vierne 1 but I simply love it.

    Thank you.  I thought I was the only person in the world who liked this movement!

  4. On 01/02/2020 at 23:06, MusoMusing said:

    "There can be no more pestilential and vexatious innovation to the King of Instruments than the new-fangled so-called balanced swell pedal."

    Replace "balanced"  with "infinite speed and gradation" and I would be in total agreement with the original author.  

  5. 15 hours ago, John Robinson said:

    To be perfectly honest, as an atheist, churches being closed down doesn't concern me too much, accepting that they are closing because people appear not to want them.  That sort of sounds fair.

    Having been through the anguish of facing the closure of my church, we realised that it wasn't that people didn't want the church, they just didn't like what we were doing.  Nor, to be honest, were we as open and welcoming as we thought we were. 

    The appointment of a young Mission Leader, who has introduced a contemporary worship style, has more than doubled the congregation in a few months and more than halved the average age.  The music may not be in the style that I have enjoyed in my 75 years, but the fact that we have a vibrant and growing place of Christian Worship is much more important. 

  6. My hearing is damaged to the point that I cannot manage at all without my hearing aids.  They go on first thing in the morning until I go to bed at night.  Yes, there are times when some sounds are unplesantly loud, such as travelling on the London Underground, but my brain is now accustomed to coping with them.  It's amazing how much the brain adapts in the first weeks of hearing aid use.  I have no need of a volume control - my ears didn't have one in the first place! 

    As to delay, it is inevitable, and any sounds that reach the eardrum directly as well as through the hearing aid will cause some colouration.  It is important to have well-fitting domes to minimise the effect. 

    As I have said previously, it is possible to find hearing aids with the latest technology that can either automatically or manually reject unwanted noise, but they are expensive.  However, when you need to use them for 16 hours a day, every day, it's worth it.  For those who have severe hearing difficulties, it is worth looking for a specialist independent audiologist who can tailor the hearing instrument to your needs.  Those who are concessionaires for a single supplier, or high street chains, may not be able to offer exactly what you need.

  7. 8 hours ago, Vox Humana said:

    Because it develops the most precise touch.

    In reply to my question about Paul Isom's requirement for the small organ to have mechanical action, Vox Humana quite correctly pointed out that it develops the most precise touch.  

    I am aware of the advantages, but the reason for my question is to ask if that is the most economic solution?  However ideal the instrument, if no individuals, schools or churches can afford a pipe organ, what future is there for the instrument?  

  8. 1 hour ago, Paul Isom said:

    So, within a 12 speaking stop maximum, who can come up with a versatile liturgical/house organ.  Tonal variety is top of the wish list - even undulating ranks are allowed.  The organ must have mechanical action.

    Why must it have mechanical action?  

  9. 2 hours ago, Colin Pykett said:

    Having looked back through the posts above, some points seem to have been made several times and it might be worth summarising them:

    1. Since hearing aids are mainly optimised for speech they may not work as well, or as expected, for organ music.  Several posters have remarked on the peculiar 'celeste', 'warbling' or 'fairground' sound imposed on organ music (as well as other sorts).

    2. Better results for organ sounds might be obtained if your audiologist provides you with a separate, user-selectable, setting or 'program' for music.  This can be done on the cheapest aids and those offered by the NHS as well as the more expensive ones, but it seems that you might have to ask explicitly for it to be done rather than assume it comes as standard.

    3. In some (most?) hearing aids the music program seems to turn off some or all of the clever automatic processing used for speech, in particular the 'whistle block' facility to prevent acoustic feedback.

    4. The above means that when you switch to 'music' mode, your aids might start whistling (mine do).  This can be stopped by turning down the volume, though it means that the amount of compensation the aids can then offer is more limited than in 'speech' mode.

    But all this must depend on the type of hearing defect you have.  The list above applies to me, and no doubt my type of hearing loss has unconsciously coloured what I've just written (I have moderate bilateral presbycusis - age related hearing loss in both ears with a moderate and similar amount of hearing still remaining).  Therefore none of it is written in tablets of stone and you would be best advised to take the advice of your hearing professional.  Having made this necessary disclaimer, I nevertheless think it's fair to say that we have jointly made useful progress here.  I've never seen anything like this before, and should therefore like to thank all those who have contributed so positively by sharing their knowledge and experiences.

    Colin, if you are experiencing whistling, it suggests to me that your domes or moulds - the type depending on whether or not it is a "receiver in canal" aid - do not fit perfectly.  If that fitting is improved, you may get better results under all circumstances. 

  10. John, in the "normal" program, your hearing aid, like mine, probably switches between different settings automatically, depending on what it thinks you want to hear.  That is fine for most of the time.  The change I have made is to have the option of fixing it in the "speech in loud noise" mode, which makes it easier to concentrate on the conversation you want. 

  11. I am the audiologist's worst nightmare, being a music lover and amateur musician who spent all his career in the operational side of TV broadcasting.  I had age-related hearing loss, but this was made much worse by the use of platinum based chemotherapy in 2016.  It was no longer a pleasure to listen to music.

    I decided to invest in some top end hearing aids and found an audiologist who was prepared to listen to me and who, in cooperation with the hearing aid manufacturers, has set up a music program that is better than I could ever have expected.  I have been able to specify the levels I want at each frequency and the makers have recommended the best settings for other parameters, such as compression.  The anti-whistle features have been turned off, but as long as I keep my hands away from my ears, there is no feedback. 

    It has been a process of gradual refinement, but in the past few months I have attended a number of orchestral concerts and organ recitals and I now doubt I could achieve anything better.  Fifteen metres from 100-strong Vienna Philharmonic playing fff, I was not conscious of any significant distortion. 

    For those who have hearing problems, it is worth persisting with the audiologist.  Mine said that he had learnt from the experience of working with me and felt he was now better able to advise other customers.  My hearing will never be good, but with high quality hearing aids and a helpful audiologist,  I can now enjoy music once again.

    I would say to John Robinson that I have had the same difficulty in restaurants.  I have even resorted to a personal microphone, connected by Bluetooth, for my dinner guest - but that is rather inconvenient!  This week my audiologist has set up a new program for me, fixing the hearing aid into the "speech in loud noise" setting and reducing the overall levels slightly.  My first impressions are very encouraging as the hearing aids seem to focus more on the person I am listening to.

    To Paul Hodges, I would say I had never realised how noisy the birds in London can be.  I sometimes wish they would be quiet!

  12. We often use the turn of phrase "It has all the bells and whistles" for a complex machine.  This remarkable organ appears to have more bells and whistles than you "can shake a stick at"!  I wonder what happens if you shake a stick at the touch screen? 

    It's fascinating, but I do wonder how much of it will ever actually be used?

  13. As a Compton enthusiast, I greatly regret that this instrument has not been saved, but I have been involved in projects to remove asbestos from a number of places, and I must advise that it is a material that must be treated with the greatest respect. 

    Some types of asbestos are more harmful than others and in some places it may have degraded or been damaged since it was put in.  You would be amazed how far microscopic fibres can travel and it is essential to test all areas for contamination before making decisions.  Was there any asbestos sound deadening on the blowers or in the cable ducts?  I am sure at least some of the pipework could have been cleaned, but at considerable cost as it would require specialist effort.  However some parts of the action would be very difficult to make safe.   

    It is essential not to take risks.  Despite taking all normal precautions, I know from personal experience that even one fibre deep in the lung can cause life-threatening health problems.  I was fortunate that the problem was spotted at an early stage by a radiologist looking for something else, but the subsequent treatment was not one I would wish others to experience. 

  14. I am sad to report the death of Pierre Pincemaille aged 61.

    Here is the announcement by his wife:

    J’ai l’immense tristesse de vous informer que Pierre Pincemaille nous a quittés cette nuit, vendredi 12 janvier, victime d'un cancer du poumon qui l'a emporté en 3 mois.

    À tous ceux qui ont connu le musicien, le pédagogue, l'ami, le membre d'une famille aimante et unie, je veux dire le privilège d'avoir vécu 30 ans avec cet être exceptionnel. Ce fut un challenge au quotidien que de suivre un homme passionné, excessif en toutes choses, généreux, exigeant, engagé, dérangeant souvent... mais aussi une vie riche de complicité, de projets communs, de voyages, de rencontres rendues possibles grâce à lui.

    Je suis heureuse d'avoir, avec lui, organiste liturgique à nul autre pareil, embelli "notre" cathédrale de Saint-Denis de la musique qu'elle mérite et d'un répertoire à la mesure des 600 fidèles chaque dimanche matin, et des rois de France qui y reposent et attirent les touristes en nombre. J'ai toujours pensé que ce poste était fait pour lui, amoureux de l'Histoire de France, de l'architecture gothique et des belles liturgies. Il voulait reproduire dans "sa" Cathédrale ce qu'il avait connu à Notre-Dame avec le grand Pierre Cochereau.

    Je suis chanceuse d'avoir, avec lui, concertiste infatigable, parcouru le monde de l'Ouest des USA au Japon. Ne manquait que l'Australie... Ce fut l'occasion de concerts mémorables. Pierre adorait partir en tournée. Chaque orgue était une nouvelle rencontre. Il avait cette capacité à très vite "faire connaissance" avec un instrument, en faisant abstraction de celui qu'il venait de jouer la veille. Sa plus grande fierté était d'entendre l'organiste qui l'invitait lui demander ses secrets de registration pour faire sonner son orgue au mieux...

    Je suis fière du pédagogue qu'il était, soucieux de ses élèves, ne les lâchant jamais, les menant avec hargne jusqu'au succès ! Combien sommes-nous (j'en fais partie) à avoir bénéficié de son enseignement, à Poitiers, Chatellerault, Saint-Germain, Saint Maur, Paris, Lyon, Rosny, Brest, Conflans... Professeur depuis 1980, il a d'abord enseigné l'accompagnement, puis l'écriture, l'orgue enfin. Dans cette discipline (pas sa préférée, si ce n'est qu'elle a permis notre rencontre...) il lui a fallu du temps pour accepter d'enseigner l'art de l'improvisation. Il ne voulait pas donner ses "trucs", conseillant au prétendant à l'improvisation de simplement l'écouter, comme il l'avait fait lui-même avec Pierre Cochereau. S'il était doué, le reste viendrait naturellement... Il s'était résolu pourtant, il y a une quinzaine d'années, à transmettre son savoir-faire, assurant ainsi une filiation Pincemaille dans cette grande tradition de l'école d'orgue française.

    Pierre se disait musicien, avant d'être organiste. Sa Culture musicale, et générale, était immense et faisait l'admiration de tous. La présentation qu'il faisait de ses propres concerts, les anecdotes concernant les compositeurs et leurs œuvres, comblaient immanquablement son public. Sa préférée : la mort de Louis Vierne à ses claviers. Il ménageait le suspense en racontant, au présent, comment le célèbre organiste de Notre Dame avait rendu l'âme en jouant une note de pédale que tous, en bas, avaient pris pour le début de l'improvisation... Pierre aurait aimé un départ théâtralisé de ce genre, et nous sommes plusieurs à l'avoir craint lors de son récital anniversaire du 5 novembre dernier, ses 30 ans de tribune à Saint-Denis. Cet après-midi là, très symboliquement, ce sont les 4000 tuyaux du grand Cavaillé-Coll qui ont soufflé à travers ses poumons. Il n'y a pas d'autre explication à ce moment de grâce extraordinaire. Il nous faisait ses adieux, et nous offrait en cadeau cette grandiose Messe de Vierne et ses 3 motets, tout juste achevés, aussi la pièce en sol de Bach symbolisant, à son sens, les 3 âges de la Vie.

    Pierre était Chevalier de l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres, Chevalier des Palmes académiques, Chevalier de l'Ordre de Saint Grégoire le Grand. Ces trois médailles sont le reflet d'une carrière professionnelle diversifiée longue de 40 années : organiste et concertiste, enseignant musicien, musicien au service de l'Église. Une carrière riche de rencontres avec des mélomanes dans le monde entier, des élèves poussés à l'excellence, des prêtres devenus ses amis. Sans pour autant combler l'éternel insatisfait qu'il était...

    Sa musique me manque déjà : ses improvisations dominicales à Saint-Denis, l'interprétation magistrale de ses compositeurs favoris : Bach, Franck, Vierne, Alain, Duruflé. Il nous reste de lui tous ses enregistrements, et le souvenir éphémère et précieux de ses improvisations, brillantes, généreuses, émouvantes, maîtrisées mais imparfaites... à l'image de l'homme qu'il était.

    Merci pour tous les messages que vous lui avez adressés ces dernières semaines. Messages si précieux de soutien, de reconnaissance, d’amitié, de fidélité. Ils l’ont aidé à nous quitter, heureux du chemin parcouru. 

    Pierre venait d’avoir 61 ans.


  15. Colin,

    I'm sorry, perhaps I was being a bit prickly.  Of course, any of us is free to comment on what we see and hear, but I think criticism needs to be fair.  Personally, I was happy with the tempo  and some of the rubato may have been the result of thinking time in an "off the cuff" performance.  Out of interest, I listened to my own recording of the piece and the speed was much closer to that of Pierre-François than the other example you linked to.  But then I too am an amateur, so my opinion isn't worth much.  Perhaps it is a sign of getting old (and deaf), but when I listen to what I did in years gone by, I am appalled by the way I used to rush things and didn't give the music time to sing.  

  16. Quote
    On 26/09/2017 at 12:29, Colin Pykett said:

    I wonder what others here think of the above rendition.  I've always assumed that it should be taken far faster, indeed it's marked Vivace in my Peters Edition copy.  He also inserts quite a lot of rubato whereas I haven't come across that before.  He also puts in the occasional ornament which might be gratuitous on his part.  Still, one of the glories of the piece is that (as proved above) it seems to matter little what speed one plays it at, and his slower pace might well be better suited to the acoustic.


    Mr Pykett,

    I must disagree with your opinion.  I think for an ad-hoc performance, from memory, by an amateur player, this was extremely good.  Pierre-François is the very talented protégé of Daniel Roth and I believe his mentor advised him well on the interpretation of this piece.

    The tempo may not be to your taste, but I think that was all you needed to write.  I feel that to rubbish it in such a pompous manner was unnecessary, bordering on rude.


  17. The replacement of the Zürich Tonhalle organ has been controversial, with some 2000 signatures on a petition to save it, but Jean Guillou's design was thought by some to be unsatisfactory when working with an orchestra. The new 70 stop instrument by Kühn is at the planning stage and should be completed in the late summer of 2020 when the refurbished Tonhalle re-opens.  It is to be hoped that a good home will be found for the Kleuker-Steinmeyer.

  18. In reply to Peter Allison, no it wasn't an assistance dog, just an apparently ordinary pet - but obviously one with good taste in music!  It just made me smile that the animal was so calm, even when the horizontal "Spanische Trompet" was sounding at full volume.

    The recital was well attended.  Apart from a few of student age, most present were 50 plus. I didn't count, but noticed that women outnumbered men, whereas I tend to notice the opposite at recitals in the UK. 

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