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Mander Organ Builders Forum


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Everything posted by jfdg

  1. I put Walker on my list because one of the organs I play on is a 1962 Walker, which is in a fairly standard style (ie. not neoclassical or anything else in particular); this organ has an incredible sound right from the quietest stops to the full organ. It seems a pity they are closing down/restructuring as they seemed always to be a company to produce amazing pipe organs
  2. In my opinion the best option would be to increase the size of the existing chancel organ to four manuals with a new solo manual in the style of Willis, and install a two manual nave organ, based on the existing Mander nave organ pipework, and new pipework. This would mean that, since the vast majority of services are only held in the chancel, the organ there would be fairly comprehensive, but there would be a versatile organ in the nave to be there when needed. The new specification would be as follows: Chancel Solo Contra Gamba 16 Flute Harmonique 8 Violoncello 8 Cello Celestes 8 Flute Harmonique 4 Corno di Bassetto 8 Orchestral Oboe 8 Tuba Mirabilis 8 Tuba Clarion 4 Orchestral Trumpet 8 (at the west end) Nave Great Open Diapason 8 (Mander) Stopped Diapason 8 (Mander) Clarabella 8 (new) Principal 4 (Mander) Harmonic Flute 4 (new) Fifteenth 2 (Mander) Sesquialtera (Mander pipes, transposed a bit) Trumpet 8 (new) Nave Swell (all new) Rohr Gedackt 8 Salicional 8 Voix Celeste 8 Principal 4 Lieblich Flute 4 Flageolet 2 Cornet 17.19.22 Contra Fagotto 16 Cornopean 8 Hautboy 8 Nave Pedal Open Diapason 16 (new) Bourdon 16 (Mander) Posaune 16 (new) Other restorative measures would be followed in the chancel, such as putting back the Double Open Bass 32 on the pedals The 1978 nave case would reman but be enlarged to accomodate the new pipes. The builders for the project would be one of Harrison, Mander or Walker.
  3. jfdg


    The vicar of the church where I'm organist said something about using a new congregational eucharist setting (at present we're using a setting by John Rutter for congregation and SATB choir). Does anyone know how to get hold of the Ives?
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