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Mander Organ Builders Forum

Gt & Ped Pistons Coupled On Gen Cancel?

Frank Fowler

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Imagine pcnd being able to change the stop name of his hated "Tubas" to "Fart Horn" or "Crap" or even "Vicar".

...or any stop tuned flat to "Lay Reader cantoring responses", and the tremulant could become "Retired lady priest"...

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... Imagine pcnd being able to change the stop name of his hated "Tubas" to "Fart Horn" or "Crap" or even "Vicar". ...


Lee, I have tried to think about this, but I cannot begin to imagine why I should wish to do so - particularly since this would not alter the timbre or dynamic level of the pipes.

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Was not this thread originally about the Great and Pedal combinations coupled stopknob? Rightly or wrongly, it appears from ensuing replies that it probably spends much more time drawn than not; thus, surely, it should be Gt and Ped combs UNcoupled.


I considered this approach many years ago when organist at Dunfermline Abbey; I never got round to it, but it seemed to me to be at least tidy, if nothing else.


David Harrison

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