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The Obligatory Dr. Who Thrad...

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... tonite's episode: which instrument was featured? (this was probably already mentioned hereon....)


See here http://www.bbc.co.uk/doctorwho/episodes/20...s/s3_06/12.html


We were very impressed that Dr Who managed to kill the monster by playing the organ loudly, something I must practice in future.........


And as for using a sonic screwdriver to start the blowers - don't Timelords know how to use on/off buttons?



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See here http://www.bbc.co.uk/doctorwho/episodes/20...s/s3_06/12.html


We were very impressed that Dr Who managed to kill the monster by playing the organ loudly, something I must practice in future.........


And as for using a sonic screwdriver to start the blowers - don't Timelords know how to use on/off buttons?








How silly!


Anyone knows that Daleks can't get up spiral stairs.


Still, I suppose that killing the electronic dustbins off is better than ducking everytime they fire a volley and shout "Exterminate! Exterminate!"


On second thoughts, I think I would rather take my chances with a Dalek than with a number of clergymen with whom I have had the misfortune to work.




x x







0 0


This is not a Dyson!



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How silly!


Anyone knows that Daleks can't get up spiral stairs.


Have you not been watching lately? Daleks can now fly, so I wouldn't put it past them...

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Have you not been watching lately? Daleks can now fly, so I wouldn't put it past them...






Erm.....noooooo! It's been a while. They were in black & white then.




'Have just watched the BBC 3 re run - why was the console music desk replaced by a mirror I wonder?








I think the link would be that Gerard Hoffnung cartoon of the organist, with the police-car in the mirror.


Isn't the Tardis a police-box with a blue flashing-light on top of it?



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Isn't the Tardis a police-box with a blue flashing-light on top of it?




Indeed it is - and it's currently standing about a one minute walk from where I'm sitting!


Incidentally, did anyone else notice that despite the supposed setting of Saturday's action being Southwark, there was a delightfully accurate model of Wells Cathedral sitting in the office of Professor Lazarus?



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Indeed it is - and it's currently standing about a one minute walk from where I'm sitting!


Incidentally, did anyone else notice that despite the supposed setting of Saturday's action being Southwark, there was a delightfully accurate model of Wells Cathedral sitting in the office of Professor Lazarus?








Well, you'd have thought, wouldn't you, that the Tardis would be able to match the Daleks and become a modern-day "Flying Squad?"


As for the moving cathedral, I suppose you could put that down to plate tectonics and the passage of time. I'm not quite sure where that would leave Southwark Cathedral.....Eindhoven at a guess!





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Guest Psalm 78 v.67

Does anyone share by opinion that the Doctor's latest "companion" is the fittest ever? :)

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Does anyone share by opinion that the Doctor's latest "companion" is the fittest ever? :)


No way!


That would have been Leila (? spelling ? name) - the 'cavegirl' from way back.


Mind you, she's probably past her 'sell by date' by now. Still, memories...



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Fittest? I'd say she's not fit fur purpose. Pity her the scary Mum though. Bring back the Piper, I say! B)

Oh no, no, no! If we must have some totty at least get someone who can act!


(Hmm... Have I got my priorities right here? :) )

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Guest Psalm 78 v.67
Fittest? I'd say she's not fit fur purpose. Pity her the scary Mum though. Bring back the Piper, I say! :)


I'm certainly not saying the Piper wasn't (isn't) fit, but I think (can't remember her name let alone how to spell it) has a certain something.


Mmm - Leila; I'd forgotten her. I liked that Australian air hostess too...... mmmmmm!

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Guest Psalm 78 v.67
Oh no, no, no! If we must have some totty at least get someone who can act!


(Hmm... Have I got my priorities right here? :) )


When watching such things as "Strictly Come Dancing" and talent shows, my wife always reminds me that I would be a rotten judge, an the basis that the best legs/shortest skirt/ lowest-cut top are not sufficient criteria for high marks B)


So in my book, your priorities are wrong!! :D

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When watching such things as "Strictly Come Dancing" and talent shows, my wife always reminds me that I would be a rotten judge, an the basis that the best legs/shortest skirt/ lowest-cut top are not sufficient criteria for high marks :)


So in my book, your priorities are wrong!! :D






This sounds awfully like my old acquaintance "Lucy Lashes," whom I once mistook for a clippie on the trams of Manchester.


It turned out I was right, but she didn't want "her" adoring public to know this: hence the flying-handbag and the empty gin-bottle hurled at my head.





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Sounds very similar to what once happened to a chap I used to know. Boarding a London bus he thought he recognised someone prominent in early music. "Excuse me", he said, "aren't you Mary Remnant?" Presumably the lady only heard the last word, for she promptly gave him a resounding slap in the face.

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  • 8 months later...
Usually a decade or so behind with events I only saw this episode for the first time last night and remembered that there had been a thread on it. Was an organist actually credited with playing?




Yes, they were mentioned on the Dr. Who website a while back. Can't remember who though.



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