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New Canadian 4 Manual Tracker


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I'm a Canadian organ buff (not an organist) living in Victoria, BC, Canada. About 300 yards from my residence, Quebec organ builder Hellmuth Wolff is busy erecting his "Opus 47" in Christ Church Cathedral. This has been going on now for several months, and it should be complete for the inaugural recital this autumn. I've been "haunting" the cathedral several times a week observing the progress :)


This week, they've just started installing the Ruckpositiv.


For those interested, here are the specs:



Manual II


1) Preastant 16'

2) Octave 8'

3) Spitzflöt 8'

4) Flöt travers 8'

5) Octave 4'

6) Hohlflöt 4'

7) Quint 2 2/3'

8) Superoctave 2'

9) Cornet V

10) Mixtur V/VI

11) Fagott 16'

12) Trompette 8'



Couplers: OW-HW, UW-HW, RP-HW



Manual IV


13) Suavial 8'

14) Copula major 8'

15) Quintadena 8'

16) Octava 4'

17) Copula minor 4'

18) Violetta 4'

19) Hörnli II

20) Fletl 2'

21) Oberquinte 1 1/3'

22) Mixtur IV

23) Trompete 8'

24) Vox humana 8'



Manual III


25) Lieblich Gedackt 16'

26) Principal 8'

27) Bordun 8'

28) Salicional 8'

29) Unda maris 8'

30) Octava 4'

31) Nachthorn 4'

32) Flagiolet 2'

33) Mixtur V

34) Basson 16'

35) Trompette 8'

36) Oboe 8'

37) Clairon 4'





Manual I


38) Quintadena 16'

39) Principal 8'

40) Rohrflöt 8'

41) Octave 4'

42) Koppelflöt 4'

43) Nasat 2 2/3'

44) Superoctave 2'

45) Terz 1 3/5'

46) Mixtur V

47) Dulcian 16'

48) Trompete 8'

49) Krummhorn 8'



Couplers: OW-Man. I, UW - Man. I

RP-Tacet (=Unison off, to allow for playing on Man. I without its own RP-action.)




50) Bordun 32'

51) Principalbaß 16'

52) Subaß 16'

53) Octavbaß 8'

54) Flötbaß 8'

55) Choralbaß 4'

56) Rauschpfeife V

57) Kontraposaune 32'

58) Posaunenbaß 16'

59) Trompetenbaß 8’

60) Trompette 8'

61) Schalmey 4'


Couplers: HW-PD, OW-PD, UW-PD,



Stabiler Wind (winkers)

Echo (opens Unterwerk rear louvers)






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It is interesting to note the center of gravity continues to move in the present-day trend: this organ seems inspired by southern german builders like Holzhay, Gabler...

Georges Westenfelder in Luxembourg has done such kind of instruments too some years ago.

Thanks for the info and let us know how it sounds!


Best wishes,

Pierre Lauwers.

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It is interesting to note the center of gravity continues to move in the present-day trend: this organ seems inspired by southern german builders like Holzhay, Gabler...

Georges Westenfelder in Luxembourg has done such kind of instruments too some years ago.

Thanks for the info and let us know how it sounds!


Best wishes,

Pierre Lauwers.





If you click on this link, you can see how the organ looked about 2 weeks ago.




As I mentioned, now there is a Ruckpositiv being built where the open space is just below the console.


Incidentally, I may be mistaken, but I think John Scott is playing the inaugural recital.




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  • 3 months later...
Here's an update for those interested:


The organ is now finished and we are eagerly awaiting the opening recital on October 12th. Anyone heard of this organist? ;)


Incidentally... the organ sounds fantastic.




Wow! Awesome casework. What a good idea, adding a lower pitch to the Mixture when the 16' comes on.

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