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And in case anybody is wondering what is happening here:




....the answer is that the Back Row of the choir is being re-structured next year.


Of the six Lay Clerkships, four are currently vacant, and have been so for some time.

The plan - in addition to the above - is to...

1. abolish the post of contracted Lay Clerk;

2. make the two present LCs redundant; and

3. fill the remaining three places daily on a per-session basis from a rota of deputies.

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I see that Simon Nieminski, Organist of St Mary's Episcopal Cathedral in Edinburgh has also been appointed Organist of St Mary's RC Cathedral in the same city. Must be rare one person holding two Cathedral posts.



As has been mentioned on other parts of this board, this is not the case. It is correct that Simon has been appointed as Organist of St Mary's RC Cathedral Edinburgh, but he left the Episcopal Cathedral in the summer, with Duncan Ferfuson taking over as acting Master of Music for 1 year.



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  • 3 months later...
I may be joining this discussion rather late, but it's still nice to be talked about!


Everyone welcome Simon, a top-drawer organist and right decent fellow.


Nice to have you here, sir!


- G

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Geoff McMahon
In what capacity?




Dave, your sig is too big: please don't use the cartoon image - it is only funny the first time, anyway - as well as everything else. Also, it sets an unhelpful precedent. Thanks.


Moderator, Mander Organs

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Guest spottedmetal

Dear All


The young organist at Dormansland in Surrey has been appointed as next year's organ scholar at Windsor and he writes:


I've been the Choirmaster and Organist down at

St. John's Dormansland for 3 years now having taken the post when I

was 15. We are looking for a replacement as I'm moving off to Windsor

in September and the post at St. John's, from my experience, is an

ideal opportunity for any 15-18 year old organist to take up. It

teaches you everything you need to know for organ scholarship

applications, (particularly oxbridge to the smaller colleges) as you

will gain a range of experience from working with the choir, to

playing for the liturgy (also gives you a nice starting salery of £200

a month, which for a teenager is good!). I know you are a keen

supporter of young local organists and was wondering if you knew any

who would consider taking the post and may be interested or anyone who

you may feel would benefit from the job and wouldn't have have

necessarily thought about it? The idea is even if he/she stays for

only a year, it will be the precursor for another young organist, and

so on....


Are there any candidates from down south who could take it on?


Best wishes



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I don't think there are too many forum members in this age bracket! But I daresay there are some lurkers who might be tempted. It might also be worth mentioning it on the ABRSM Viva Organ Viva forum if it hasn't been already.


The organ seems to be a 3-manual Copeman Hart.


Good luck to the young man concerned. I hope he will have the time of his life.

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Don't knock it. I have no problem with organists' pay being linked to their qualifications or experience, but if someone is fit to be appointed to a post they are fit to be paid the appropriate salary. There should be no question of using someone's youth as an excuse to pay them less. I am still eternally grateful that my first post paid me the then going rate - a princely £1 a week!! (which was doubled by a kind member of the congregation who preferred to put his weekly donation into my pocket rather than the collection plate).

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I wasn't knocking the fact that the church was willing to pay a teenager £2,400 a year. :(


I was merely musing that I wish one of my churches felt able to offer an experienced and well-qualfied organist more than this..... :)

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