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Organ Oscars


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As we don't have Oscars for th organ, how about a vote for your favourite CD of 2007. As many of us will be buying CDs long after the year they came out, let's make it favourite CD THAT YOU PURCHASED in 2007, rather than one that came out in 2007. And just so that you don't feel limited, let's have a top three.


Here's mine:

1. Elgar Sonata from Salisbury (Trotter)

2. Improvisations (Wayne Marshall, all jazzy Gershwin and Bersntein)

3. Robert Quinney at Westminster Cathedral


Over to the rest of you!

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(1) Messiaen organ music - Gillian Weir (I caught the Collins set off eBay). I put it just slightly ahead of Latry and Bate - but they're all marvelous.


(2) Roth playing Bach at St-Sulpice.


(3) The Sleeping Giant, by our very own Cynic.


And to slip in a non-organ CD: Bach cantatas 4, 12, 106, 196 sung by Cantus Cölln.



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1) Pierre Cohereau - L'organist de Notre-Dame.


I really got into the sheer genius of this man this year, and this set prompted me to do so really.


2) Robert Quinney at Westminster Cathedral.


A third im struggling on, as woebetied me, i don't listen to much organ music. I much prefer choral music to listen to



So if i can make some choral nominations, it would be Stephen Layton & Polyphony recording Lauridsen, both 'Lux Aterna' and 'Nocturnes'. Or Road to Paradise by the Gabrielli Consort.

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1) Robert Quinney at Westminster Cathedral


2) The Organ of Romsey Abbey - David Coram (my purchase arrived just before Christmas so counts for the wonderful instrument and committed performance)


3) Durufle Complete Organ Music - Henry Fairs at Notre-Dame d'Auteuil, Paris (Naxos also available as download on eMusic)


A non-organ CD - Bruckner Mass in e min and Motets - Polyphony & Stephen Layton for superb choral singing.


I did not purchase many CDs in 2007 as shelf capacity has been reached but a way around this has been downloading from eMusic.com (£8.99 per month for 40 tracks). An absolute treasure trove here once you get the hang of the search facility, including a lot of the Lammas catalogue. Four tracks that get played frequently are from Sounds Orchestral - duet transcription of Mendelssohn's Italian Symphony played at Blackburn Cathedral by Greg Morris and David Gibbs - an exuberant performance to cheer up a wet afternoon.

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Grande piece Symphonique Ian Tracey Simply mind blowing and a rare chance to hear the Widor 4th Symphony recorded in full.

Toccata incandescent Joseph Nolan at the Organ of Coventry Cathedral Joseph's playing of The exciting Toccata By Jean Guillou just blew me away. This guy clearly knows how to communicate a performance depsite the fact its difficult music requiring someone with sound Organ Techninque.


David Coram at the organ of Romsey Abbey. Only just bought this CD a few days ago but its a real gem. My favourite tracks are the Bach trio on Alein gott The Franck B mnor Chorale and the clever registration used in the Bach Sixth Trio Sonata. A delightful CD demonstrating every facet of the Walker Organ.

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