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One Manual Pipe-organ Outstrips 3 Decker Mickey Mouse!

Guest spottedmetal

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Guest spottedmetal

Dear All


Whilst being guilty myself of using a digital beast to promote the repertoire to people who would never otherwise come inside a church, last night I took two of my boys and a friend to a concert of a familiar and favourite organist of high repute and a friend in a church. The scene will not be unfamiliar to us all, I'm sure, and I had a level of expectation for the concert of 11 out of 10 for the concert.


All was, sort of fine . . . and the principal organist as superb as ever . . . except for the fact that his organ really wasn't there in some way . . . and it dawned on us that we were listening to an organ through a hi-fi system. The pedal was overblown and the manuals rather distant in comparison - nice delicate tones but distant. The organ looked impressive, even with French Horn stop in its specification . . . but. . .


Then the single manual pipe organ joined in. What a charmer! And it filled the church!


How short sighted these churches are that melt their spottedmetal only to be replaced by wires and paper speakers!


There are, of course the good the bad and the ugly, and we're looking forward to giving our 5 manual beast a run with Vierne 2 as well as the 1812 for which complete pandemonium is planned with bells and full bangs on Easter Bank Holiday Monday. It'll be different, and I want to get as many young generation in as possible - ideally including the nightclub generation . . . as this is where we need to set out to inspire. How many nightclub generation are there here?


Best wishes



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Guest Patrick Coleman

I went to a nightclub once, on the evening of my brother's wedding. The most exciting part of it was that it had a lower age limit, and all the party except me were let in without question. I was asked to prove my age, even though I was the only one actually old enough to go in!!


Vanity of vanities.


Seriously, it might be an idea to get a person or persons involved in producing club music, and offer a hybrid evening with various styles on offer - including tasters of the more exciting parts of the 'proper' organ repertoire.


pcnd seems to know a bit about current trends - I'm sure he'll post something. :)

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Guest spottedmetal
I went to a nightclub once, on the evening of my brother's wedding. The most exciting part of it was that it had a lower age limit, and all the party except me were let in without question. I was asked to prove my age, even though I was the only one actually old enough to go in!!




This post is about the inadequacies of poorly installed digitals and how a simple pipe is better. . . not nightclubs!


Seriously, it might be an idea to get a person or persons involved in producing club music, and offer a hybrid evening with various styles on offer - including tasters of the more exciting parts of the 'proper' organ repertoire.


pcnd seems to know a bit about current trends - I'm sure he'll post something. :D


. . . Yes - that's right - about getting new bums on old seats listening to stuff liked by us boring old farts . . . yes - a plan is needed - have to say your plan had been mused about myself in the past . . . How do we do it?


Look forward to post from pcnd . . .


Best wishes



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Guest Patrick Coleman
This post is about the inadequacies of poorly installed digitals and how a simple pipe is better. . . not nightclubs!


But you did ask


How many nightclub generation are there here?



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