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Mander Organ Builders Forum

Peter Warlock: Capriol Suite

Peter Clark

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Guest Cynic
Is there an organ arrangement of the complete Capriol Suite? I know that individual movements have been transacribed, buiI haven't seen all movements under one cover. Musicroom yeilds nothing....






Andrew Teague made one some years ago, this was published by Oecumuse.

I've made my own as has our pal David Coram. I don't know about his, but mine was semi-bodged from a very good piano solo version, published many years ago by Curwen and Co.


The penultimate movement, Pieds en L'Air [Andante tranquillo] has been separately arranged by Stanley Roper - a good arrangement it is too.


What is very useful (though sad of course) is that Philip Heseltine is long dead. His material is well out of copyright, would that several other interesting things were!

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I've made my own as has our pal David Coram. I don't know about his, but mine was semi-bodged from a very good piano solo version, published many years ago by Curwen and Co.


Like Paul's mine was mostly taken from the piano version - but Warlock's own duet one which contains a lot of missing detail/inner parts etc. Bits which were still missing compared with the orchestral one were marked up from the study score.

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