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Pierre Cochereau On Radio 3


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The 3 Breakfast show ended today with PC's recording of "La Marseillaise" from the funeral of Générale Du Gaulle. Not really an improvisation but some wonderul sounds. Well worth a listen on the BBC playback device - programmes are in 15 minutes chunks so go to 2 hrs 45 minutes where the section starts, with Ravel's "Bolero" for 2 pianos.


Later....I've just looked on the playlist for the programme - no mention of it. Does anyone know from which CD it was taken please?


Dame Gillian is on "In Tune" tonight...sometime after 5pm.


I enjoyed a Bastille Day recital by Marcus Huxley in Birmingham Cathedral today with a good spread of French music across the years.



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The 3 Breakfast show ended today with PC's recording of "La Marseillaise" from the funeral of Générale Du Gaulle. Not really an improvisation but some wonderul sounds. Well worth a listen on the BBC playback device it's in 15 minutes chucnks so go to 2 hrs 45 minutes where the section starts with Ravel's "Bolero" for 2 pianos.


Later....I've just looked on the playlist for the programme - no mention of it. Does anyone know from which CD it was taken please?


Dame Gillian is on "In Tune" tonight...sometime after 5pm.


I enjoyed a Bastille Day recital by Marcus Huxley in Birmingham Cathedral today with a good spread of French music across the years.




Soltice SOCD94


Best regards

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Many thanks flûte harmonique - another one (or actually 3...) for the collection!






There are at least two stunning tracks in this set. The Scherzo Symphonique (Recital de 17h45; 13 octobre 1968/SOCD 95) and the Sortie (Messe de 11h30; 1er décembre 1968/ SOCD 96).



You might also like to track down the following CDs:


SOCD 177/8


SOCD 150/1


FYCD 001


SOCD 906


FYCD 127


FYCD 059


FYCD 118


FYCD 095


Philips 412 704-2


Philips 454 655-2


Philips 454 656-2


Philips 446 642-2


Motette CD 12611


(SOCD 163) * Consists of written compositions by Cochereau


AUR 108-2 ADD


FYCD 019


SOCD 200/1


SOCD 152


SOCD 226


If you desire further information before making a purchase, please send me a PM and I will happily provide you with details of the CD(s) in which you are interested.


Please note that in one or two instances, only one or two tracks are improvisations - the remainder constitutes repertoire.

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Thank you pcnd - I appreciate your time. A PM will follow...


Thanks to the speedy turnaround of Discovery Records, the 3 CDs arrived yesterday. I would add the following to pcnd's list of stunners.


Sortie (Messe de 10h) 30/3/1975, Sortie (Vespres) 18/4/1976, both on SOCD 96; and Var.V of Choral IV on SOCD 95. As an elderly female relative may have said, I came over all unnecessary....


I also much enjoyed the improvisation on La Marseillaise on SOCD 94. I've always thought of the tune as being fairly jolly but PC's improvisation, mostly in the minor key, is immensely dark and powerful with a very quiet resolution to the major right at the end. The whole piece is exactly what I should not have expected.


It was moving to hear PC's last played notes on SOCD 96. The out of tune organ gave it a poignant feel but the overall grandeur of the playing, with brass accompaniment, was tremendous. We should be eternally grateful to M. & Mme Carbou for making the recordings of these ephemeral works. I doubt that there has ever been such obvious chemistry between an organist and his instrument as is apparent with PC and ND de P.

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