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Hello, friends


{edited by Giwro}


After the public whipping below and a couple of nasty private notes, I've removed the contents of this post.


I thought I might meet some nice fellow musicians here and share what knowledge I have, but it seems that is not wanted.


I bid you adieu, and say "no wonder the organ world is in trouble when we can't even act nicely to each other"





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excuse me?


I was not aware posting audio files was "advertising"


I never asked for anyone to buy the darn things... I merely posted them for your listening pleasure. I also did not read anywhere in the rules when I signed up that it was against the rules to put a link in my sigline to my website.


If the forum moderators wish to take exception to this, I'll gladly refrain from such...


ALL of these pieces were published BEFORE 1922 which makes them in the public domain in the USA (yes, I've researched this carefully


Now, I'll refrain from posting any further on this forum until someone with moderator authority cares to comment


Sheesh... what a welcome

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As I said, excuse me for being a killjoy.


Are you not selling the scores for these works on your website? I must have misunderstood the shopping cart bit...


Copyright law in the UK is different to the US, and hence the date of death of the composer is the overriding factor, not the date of authorship/publication.. Not sure what the moderator on the board thinks about a post on a UK forum which links to material which by UK law is still in copyright...

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As I said, excuse me for being a killjoy.


Are you not selling the scores for these works on your website? I must have misunderstood the shopping cart bit...


Copyright law in the UK is different to the US, and hence the date of death of the composer is the overriding factor, not the date of authorship/publication.. Not sure what the moderator on the board thinks about a post on a UK forum which links to material which by UK law is still in copyright...


Like I said, forget it...


I _am_ selling the scores (and BTW Boulnois has been dead since 1918, check your facts)


I was unaware of the difference in copyright law in the UK, and hence your concerns.


So, I'll not be providing links or referring to my site any further on this forum unless it is a simple link to an audio file of one of my own comps or one of the living composers whose music I carry (or someone who has been LONG dead). In this case, I will provide a tinyurl link so that my site is not being "promoted"


I'm not here to drum up business or create problems, I just wanted to share my knowledge.


Speaking for just a moment about promoting oneself....


I hear moaning and groaning about the state of the organ and much hand-wringing concerning the future of the instrument and its music....


In my investigaton of many unknown (or lesser-known) composers, I have found often worthy music passed over becasue the composer was loath to promote him or herself.


One of my desires is to see the music CONTINUE to be written. performed and discovered....


HOWever.... when I have tried to promote my music and that of others I have been called all manner of names and derided for being self-serving etc, etc. (I'm not necessarily speaking of this instance, mind you - you've been reasonably kind, if a bit sarcastic, which is better than most)


Face it folks... an unknown composer HAS to promote themselves if they want to have their music performed... in today's world no one else is going to do it FOR them. Making money is nice, but I'd MUCH rather have my music PERFORMED. I'd GLADLY _give_ my music to anyone who promised to perform it.


But what happens? Usually when I try to do this, I'm ignored (or worse) slapped about.


I'd a lot rather someone just say "you need to fix thus and such" or "thanks for your generosity, but that's not the style I prefer to perform". I _know_ highly visible performers are probably BOMBARDED with composer wannbe's sending them scores, so I try to avoid that. What I _do_ try is to offer audio files of my music for folks to listen to, then they can CHOOSE whether they want to express interest to me.




If _this_ is inappropriate use of this forum, I'll be glad to refrain from that also


but do me a favor, and give me some better ideas how one might get their music OUT THERE






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Whatever the 'ins and outs' the reprints on sale on the above mentioned website are good music - I have the details.




Thanks, Alastair..


I know the internet is full of people trying to make a fast buck, moreover email lists and bulliten boards fight a constant war against people spamming them with unrelated solicitations...


In deference to the prevailing sentiment on _this_ board (although no official word has come to me publicly or privately from the moderators) I'll choose to continue my above policy:


So, I'll not be providing links or referring to my site any further on this forum unless it is a simple link to an audio file of one of my own comps or one of the living composers whose music I carry (or someone who has been LONG dead). In this case, I will provide a tinyurl link so that my site is not being "promoted"


I've already said it once, but I'll say it again somewhat differently:


I am here to promote the ORGAN and its music NOT myself or my goods....


I should think anyone who loves the organ and its music would welcome ANY advancement of our art, but it seems the knee-jerk response of many of us is to see the worst in every situation.....


I do have a list of folks that I send out email updates to regarding the website - if you want to be part of that, just PM me with your email addy and I'll gladly add you to the list.


Finally, I realize every online "community" has its flavor, and I'm doing my best to figure out what that is here and fit in as much as possible...





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