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Please Jog My Memory


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I am sorting out and identifying some old tapes. I have just got to one of an Anglican Evensong recorded in Oslo Cathedral in 1986 (with the permission of the DOM at the time, Terje Kvam). At that time, they did a quarterly Anglican service as a feature; in this one they sang Byrd Haec dies, Howells Coll reg, and Hadley My Beloved Spake. However, I simply can't remember the composer of these Preces and Responses (they sound odd because they are in Norwegian).


Icing on the cake would be to identify these Psalms and Hymn - but you'll need to speak Norwegian for that, I guess!



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I've realised that the first Psalm is Ps 42-43, from the pattern of the the interpolated verses using a different chant. I guess I should work out which Sunday 27 Apr 1986 was, and see if they were using our lectionary as well.



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