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Mander Organ Builders Forum

Weingarten Organ Appeal


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Hi all,


It seems that the authorities of the Benedictine Abbey in Weingarten, Germany are attempting to raise funds for the restoration of Jseph Gabler's choir organ of 1737-43 there. More info:


Website: http://www.chororgel.de/

YouTube Clip:


Could be interesting.




I think I'm right in saying Weingarten is the only one of the great abbey churches in this part of Germany without a functioning choir organ.


Gabler's original organ predates the great west-end instrument by several years. Unlike its big sister, however, it has not stood the test of time and fashion very well, having been rebuilt and enlarged over the last 250-odd years. When I was there last May, it was in a sorry state with pipes, swell-boxes and associated 'works' sprawling over a huge area behind the elegantly carved choir stalls on the north side.


The website describes the current state (see under 'Zustand') but seems surprisingly reticent on what form the 'restoration' will take. All that survives of the original is the casework containing pipes from the remarkable Choralbaß 10-15 fach plus 3 other ranks including a wooden Pincipalbaß 16. Whether this is to be a faithful copy of the original or a more flexible scheme better suited to the needs of 21st choral accompaniment - as opposed to 18c monastic accompaniment - is not made clear. (I got the impression the organist, Stephan Debeur, would prefer the latter). Wir werden sehen.....



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