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Guy Weitz Organ Symphony


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Does anyone play the final movement of this symphony - the toccata style movement on 'Stella Maris'? I wondered whether other organists might have an opinion to offer on a possible ambivalence right at the end. I have my fathers copy (dated 'London 1950') which is one of those large sized Chester editions. On page 36, the fourth bar from the end has some possible anomalies, where both hands are set high up the keyboard. During the second beat, the RH has an E flat accidental as does the LH at the same time. On the third and fourth beats the chords contain E but they could be either E natural or E flat, given the style of the harmony. In the next bar, however, the RH has an E natural in the first beat - is it a courtesy accidental, and a natural sign was simply omitted on the previous beats; or are the Es to be natural from this point to the end? Also, the LH has no natural sign at this time - given that the previous E flat would be cancelled because it is a new bar, surely the LH would also contain a 'courtesy' natural sign as the RH does. So should the Es in the fourth bar from the end be natural or flat on the third or fourth beat? Mind you, playing such a flourish of irregular demisemiquaver roulades at fff it probably won't be noticed whether E flat or E natural is played . . . but it's nice for the performer to know!

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Paul Derrett made a splendid recording of the Weitz Symphony at Hereford Cathedral for Priory many years ago...so he might be able to provide his solution to these questions if you ask him. I think he is currently unable to post to this forum, but an email to him should work. You can contact him via the link on his website - paulderrett.piczo.com/?g=1&cr=6





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Paul Derrett made a splendid recording of the Weitz Symphony at Hereford Cathedral for Priory many years ago...so he might be able to provide his solution to these questions if you ask him. I think he is currently unable to post to this forum, but an email to him should work. You can contact him via the link on his website - paulderrett.piczo.com/?g=1&cr=6





Thank you very much Oscar - I sent an enquiry via Paul Derrett's email and received a prompt and detailed reply today.


Best wishes


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The organ music of Guy Weitz is unjustly neglected and we have aired this somewhere on this Board before. Almost all - if not all - his music can be obtained quite easily, either from Peters or Musicroom - and a lot of it is available on Cds. It is well worth looking into.



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The organ music of Guy Weitz is unjustly neglected and we have aired this somewhere on this Board before. Almost all - if not all - his music can be obtained quite easily, either from Peters or Musicroom - and a lot of it is available on Cds. It is well worth looking into.



I agree Malcolm - I am not familiar with any previous posts on the subject of Weitz, but there is no doubt that his music needs someone to promote it anew. Checking on musicroom I found a good representation of his major works available, so there is every opportunity! Certainly requires some diligent practise, but it's well worth the effort and in terms of musical quality, most of it is up there with the best.

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Thanks for the link - some interesting comments. I have played the Sicilienne and the Fanfare and March, but await arrival of ordered copies of Symph Two and the Grand Choeur. The finale from Symph 1 gets its first airing on Sunday. I have been using my father's nearly 60 year old copy - don't think he ever played it, as it is in "as new" condition . . . or was, until I started learning the music. With all the recent practise it has become fragile and suddenly started falling to bits at the spine, which is a bit embarrassing after surviving so long. However, it really is worth the effort to learn and revive Weitzs' works, but mostly not easy to play.

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