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Mander Organ Builders Forum

Happy New Year


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Just thought I'd wish everyone on this board a happy new year and thank our hosts for allowing us use of this great resource.

I look forward to reading more of the interesting, informative and sometimes humorous posts for another year.




And a Happy New Year from me.


Every Blessing



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My best wishes for 2010 include:


10 orders for new british organs on the continent by british builders


10 travels to central Germany organised for british organists


10 historic british organs rescued (from whatever period) and restored

after german standards -that is, true to the origin up to the nails-.



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If I win the lottery, Stephen, I might get them installed for you - by Klais!! :lol:


If you propone them to build a Tromba chorus with a Harmonics (also with

1 3/5' and 1 1/7' ranks), I guess they would accept the challenge with the

greatest pleasure.



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Happy New Year, everyone. May your organs never cipher, may your "prepared for" stops miraculously materialise and may the verger keep his hands off the blower switch while you're playing.


Can pipe organs to replace digital organs miraculously materialise as well? :lol:



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And greetings to all from a very warm and sunny Democratic Republic of Congo, where I am working. Sadly the only organ music for hundreds of miles around is my MP3 collection, but I appreciate this Forum enormously in helping to keep me sane whilst working in a very different part of the world to what most organists will ever experience!

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