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Defunct Aeolian


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I read that Apple CEO Steve Jobs received a ruling allowing him to raze his derelict mansion near San Francisco. Local groups have been petitioning to stay its demolition, or at least to relocate the building elsewhere. I confess this story didn't interest me terribly until I learned the mansion contains an Aeolian organ. I can't find a specification for it, but a picture of one pipe chamber shows a Vox Humana, Harmonia Aetheria, Flauto Amabile, and four more ranks: a string and its celeste, another flute, and something else.


Does anyone know more about this instrument or whether it will be saved or relocated? Even as forlorn as it looks, with leaves blown in over the console, surely some church or someone can put it to good use.



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I read that Apple CEO Steve Jobs received a ruling allowing him to raze his derelict mansion near San Francisco. Local groups have been petitioning to stay its demolition, or at least to relocate the building elsewhere. I confess this story didn't interest me terribly until I learned the mansion contains an Aeolian organ. I can't find a specification for it, but a picture of one pipe chamber shows a Vox Humana, Harmonia Aetheria, Flauto Amabile, and four more ranks: a string and its celeste, another flute, and something else.


Does anyone know more about this instrument or whether it will be saved or relocated? Even as forlorn as it looks, with leaves blown in over the console, surely some church or someone can put it to good use.






There is a book about the Aeolian house organs - I borrowed a copy via the library about 10 years ago. There might be info in there - or a web search might find some info - there are enthusiasts for these organs about.


Every Blessing



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There is a book about the Aeolian house organs - I borrowed a copy via the library about 10 years ago. There might be info in there - or a web search might find some info - there are enthusiasts for these organs about.


Every Blessing







One of the first organs I ever played in a church was an Aeolian House Organ, which had been re-located to a local RC.


This one had a Saxophone! (Yay!)


It also had a player mechanism, and I'm told that the key-contacts were of the mercury-dip type, which over the years, possibly poisoned the regular organist. (His hair fell out, in any event!)


It looked good but sounded dreadful


That too was scrapped, and replaced by a much better sounding "modified" Binns.


Like Wurlitzer juke-boxes, the Aeolian organs have their following.



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[According to the Rollin Smith book"The Aeolian Organ and its Music"

,the original contract was dated 17th July 1930 for a price of 18,460 dollars.A subsequent addition for August of the same year was an adjustable combination system for 900 dollars. Subsequent information shows a special carved case. The instrument was enlarged by Kilgen to IV/55 in 1938. Specification to be found in the American Organist for November 1938

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Thank you all very much! Certainly this instrument is of an age, but I do hope it will find its way into the hands of someone who can use it. For all I know, Cynic may already it in his sights. ;)


The Aeolian magnum opus just down the road has in the past been threatened, but with its recent restoration (and honorary dedication), I trust its position is relatively secure.



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