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Sibelius to pdf


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Greetings all!


I'm running Sibelius 3 which is quite old now, but does everything I want and the files are always compatible with previous or later versions; however, most people don't have Sibelius and I would like to be able to occasionally send scores converted to pdf documents.

There's the option in Sibelius to save scores as 'graphics' but when I try this I get an error message saying that I don't have the correct Adobe software. I've got the free 'Adobe Reader' but need something which will create files in this format but don't really want to pay a lot for software to do something which I wouldn't get much use.

I'm sure I've seen a thread on here before about this but can't find it at present.

Does anyone know of a free bit of software to create pdf documents?




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Try PrimoPDF.


It runs as a quasi printer - so you simply select it as you would any other printer you have, and print to it - it then creates a pdf.

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Guest Hector5

Or try this:




Occasionally in Windows, if you select the option to print, you are sometimes given the option to print as a PDF. This seems to be available on some of the more recent Windows offerings, although it comes as a standard on all Macs. Win2pdf is very good for what you want.



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Greetings all!


I'm running Sibelius 3 which is quite old now, but does everything I want and the files are always compatible with previous or later versions; however, most people don't have Sibelius and I would like to be able to occasionally send scores converted to pdf documents.

There's the option in Sibelius to save scores as 'graphics' but when I try this I get an error message saying that I don't have the correct Adobe software. I've got the free 'Adobe Reader' but need something which will create files in this format but don't really want to pay a lot for software to do something which I wouldn't get much use.

I'm sure I've seen a thread on here before about this but can't find it at present.

Does anyone know of a free bit of software to create pdf documents?





David - I'm happy to recommend Cute PDF, which is free, and without advertising - once downloaded it appears (as does Adobe) as a 'printer' when you go to print, and has worked tirelessly for me for a number of years:







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Althogh I don't use Sibelius (I've got Music Publisher 7 which can export music files to Word as graphics so obviously they can't be edited once there), I have also got Tablet Free PDF which seems to do most things that other readers do.


Good luck!






Once in Word, office 2007 (& presumably the latest version) have a "save as pdf" option in the "Save As" menu - I use it quite a lot, and no problems so far.


Every Blessing



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Pretty well all the various freeware items will work with XP Pro - and the MS download for saving pdfs from MSproducts also has an XP-compatible version.

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I recommend using Open Office. Paste a Sibelius graphics file into it and then you can make a pdf.

http://www.openoffice.org (it's free!)


I use the open office format as I don't want to pay a vast amount to upgrade my old version of MS Office. (I actually use Lotus Symphony - also free - which uses open office format files.) Why pay Microsoft when you can get it for nothing!


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Yet another free converter worth considering is PDF995. It has the minor irritation of a nag screen and a pop-up (which you can block with your firewall), but where it scores for me is with its companion programme PDFEdit995, which gives you a range of add-ones, such as the ability to combine pdf files, extract pages from them and convert them to jpg or Word formats.



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  • 2 weeks later...
Greetings all!


I'm running Sibelius 3 which is quite old now, but does everything I want and the files are always compatible with previous or later versions; however, most people don't have Sibelius and I would like to be able to occasionally send scores converted to pdf documents.

There's the option in Sibelius to save scores as 'graphics' but when I try this I get an error message saying that I don't have the correct Adobe software. I've got the free 'Adobe Reader' but need something which will create files in this format but don't really want to pay a lot for software to do something which I wouldn't get much use.

I'm sure I've seen a thread on here before about this but can't find it at present.

Does anyone know of a free bit of software to create pdf documents?





I used Cute pdf available free from http://www.cutepdf.com/products/cutepdf/writer.asp workwd vwry well until I bought Adobe Acrobat. You just go to print and select the option and hey presto it delivers.

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