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Mander Organ Builders Forum

Diagrams of pipes

David Coram

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Can anyone point me towards diagrams/line drawings of different sorts of organ pipe? (Or would Mr Mander's drawing office like to make me a set?!) Preferably copyright free. For use in a CD booklet.


There is a chapter entitled "Glossary of Stop Names" in the book "The Organ Today" by Herbert and John Norman 1966 (updated 1980), published by David and Charles. I have both which you are welcome to see if you are ever over my way as I expect libraries may have disposed of "old stock little used" by now. This covers the general flue and reed families with good line drawings and texts describing: shape, scale, material, voicing and musical use. Copies are sometimes on ebay. A useful starting point.


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Can anyone point me towards diagrams/line drawings of different sorts of organ pipe? (Or would Mr Mander's drawing office like to make me a set?!) Preferably copyright free. For use in a CD booklet.



" Organ of the 20th Century ". Author: Geo. Audsley. Published : 1919 by Dodd Mead & Co. ( NY ) may be a nod in your required direction.

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