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Mander Organ Builders Forum

Tuning meter amnesia

David Coram

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I am having temporary amnesia about the German manufacturer of specialist organbuilding supplies, amongst which is a very clever tuning meter which can listen to any partial of a Mixture meaning you don't have to stop pipes off. It's not Korg!

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I am having temporary amnesia about the German manufacturer of specialist organbuilding supplies, amongst which is a very clever tuning meter which can listen to any partial of a Mixture meaning you don't have to stop pipes off. It's not Korg!

You are probably thinking of Marc Vogel


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The tuner who first taught me, always used cotton wool to 'wad-off' mixture ranks. This always seemed a slow and clumsy method, especially if the pipes are planted really close together.


Some years later, I was shown a much simpler method - using small paper cones. Easy to make - just roll a sheet of paper into a small cone, tape it up. A few of these in differing sizes can be left in the job. Easy to drop in and remove without disturbing anything else.


Cheaper than a meter !



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The tuner who first taught me, always used cotton wool to 'wad-off' mixture ranks. This always seemed a slow and clumsy method, especially if the pipes are planted really close together.


Some years later, I was shown a much simpler method - using small paper cones. Easy to make - just roll a sheet of paper into a small cone, tape it up. A few of these in differing sizes can be left in the job. Easy to drop in and remove without disturbing anything else.


Cheaper than a meter !




Feathers even cheaper still!


The Vogel link was the one I was after - thank you. I kept searching for Vogel Organ Tuning Mixture Temperament and stuff like that, and all I got was some old guy with a beard who's evidently made a record or two.

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