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If You Were An Organ Stop...

Guest Lee Blick

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Guest Lee Blick

If you were an organ stop, which rank would you be? Name of stop, pitch, number of pipes and which department. You may make a name up if you like. Perhaps we could put all the stops together to make our own organ, or, err, perhaps not.... :)

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If you were an organ stop, which rank would you be?  Name of stop,  pitch, number of pipes and which department.  You may make a name up if you like.  Perhaps we could put all the stops together to make our own organ, or, err, perhaps not....    :)





I think I would have to be an Echo Dulciana....different to the main-stream, quiet, refined and despised by all except Pierre. I would mix only with mine own and may even be able to play away in a dark box, far from the public gaze. Some would want to cut me down to size and make me half or even two-thirds a being, but that's life as an organ stop! Conformity comes at a price.


In my (almost) silent contempt for all things bogus or pseudo-religious, I would ensure that my tenor G was always slightly off-speech and slow to respond.


In my stillness and calm, I would despise anything loud, muscular and offensive; especially if called Tuba Magna, but that's another story........


Of course, I would have to be a heavily nicked, full set of teeth, high-pressure Skinner Echo Dulciana. Just when people were about to yank me out from the foot-holes, I would bite very hard and take them by surprise!


Coming to think of it, being a Dulciana at all, is probably the second most persistent profession in the organ world. We've been around for a very long-time and survived many changes of fortune and the odd holocaust.


Some day I intend to mount an Echo Dulciana Cornet and then wed myself to it.



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I think I wood be a 32ft Double Open Wood. Most of the time no one takes any notice of me as that noisy upstart the 32ft reed takes all the bouquets, but make no mistake, sometimes I can shake the very foundations, or at least rattle anything not bolted down.


OMG, this is so cheesy! :)

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Guest Lee Blick

I would be a Hautboy, because it has 'boy' in the name it will make me feel younger than I am. I would like to be on an Echo department to be used sparingly. I do not wish to be associated with an Oboe or Orchestral Oboe but perhaps a Pink Oboe, if it has a gentle smooth sound.

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I would like to be a Tromba Bastarda. I would probably like to be mounted en chamade.




In actual fact, I'd probably be a Stopped Diapason. Gentle, unassuming, rather quaint and old fashioned but loved by all who really know me. There would be an open diapason who tries to take over and shout me down and there would also have to be a lieblich gedact who's a bit flashier than me and generally gets the best solos. The ability to make others like me has been lost in the mists of time. I am an art all to myself.

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  • 1 year later...
Guest Cynic
I'd have to be a Zimbelstern - I spent a lot of time and perspiration persuading the powers that be to get one on our new instrument so it would be disloyal of me to be anything else.




I think Zimbelstern would suit me too - constantly scurrying round and round, making occasionally inappropriate noises, barely fitting in with what else is going on - perfect!

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I'd have to be a Zimbelstern - I spent a lot of time and perspiration persuading the powers that be to get one on our new instrument so it would be disloyal of me to be anything else.



It is probably an alarming gap in my education, but beyond being an attractive accessory, I have never understood the reason for a Zimbelstern or a situation where it would be useful. Please can you enlighten me?



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It is probably an alarming gap in my education, but beyond being an attractive accessory, I have never understood the reason for a Zimbelstern or a situation where it would be useful. Please can you enlighten me?




How about certain psalm verses, such as:


"My lot hath fallen upon a fair(-)ground...."


(One of our occasional posters here may care to share a story about this....)



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