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Mander Organ Builders Forum

Stop-list Alert!

Guest stevecbournias

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Guest stevecbournias

I am interested in the organs that forum members normally play. I'd like as many as are willing to post the basic information about the organ they play as to builder(s), years(s), stop-list, and any other interesting facts. I do not play as a church musician but instead have regular use of an off-campus organ.


Here in Ohio adjoining the state-sponsored campus of YSU is a

colonial-style edifice containig a 4m/76rk Austin organ that normally

is played publicly Sundays. The rest of the time opportunity is

extended to pre-approved persons in the Mahoning Valley to have

generous access to this fine instrument which has pipes dating to

1900, 1960 and more recent additions in 1996.


The work completed in 1960 successfully merged the 1900 tonal material

with the newer classic-inspired work of RJ Piper (ex-Willis-III-arrived Hartford,Conn 1949) of Austin Organs Inc..


For example it is well nigh next to impossible to know without a trip into

the inwards of this organ that the 4ft member of the great principal

chorus is a recycled 1900 violin diapason. The scrolls have been

rolled back up and sealed and the tone is that of a clean and crisp

classic 4ft octave that sings very nicely.


The pedal contains much older work. The bourdon 16 is as full and

pervasive as any wood open . It undergirds the entire pedal and can be

felt immediately upon being engaged. The next-door neighbor is a

contrabass 16 which also has the fullness of the wood open but also

contains some elements of string tone albeit a very assertive voice

that is also felt accross the floor. Impressive as these pedal voices

are they pale away when the 32ft comes on. It too is a 1900 open wood

that has been capped and is of such scale that it booms like any 32ft

wood open.


In addition to a very well-developed main organ there is a 3 division

antiphonal. No pipes are visible anywhere in the room and the grilles

are the only clue that a pipe organ resides therin.


The solo has a pair of orchetral strings that are an orchestra in

themselves, copied from the Solo at Salisbury Cathedral in England from the 1934 Willis-III rebuild .The swell voxhumana is a 1900 stop imported from England

and likely from TC Lewis. It is a lovely voice of rare refinement

among voxes.The 16ft pedal gemshorn is not tapered and of large scale

yet it merges imperceptably with the 8ft gt gemshorn of tapered pipes.


The Ant spitzflutes are etheral as are the choir dulcianas.

The sw and solo chorus reeds are dignified and fiery...the work of

David AJ Broome (formerly JW Walker of England arrived Hartford 1957) of Austin.


Below are appended the complete specs:





quintaten 16

diapason 8

bourdon 8

gemshorn 8

octave 4

nachthorn 4

octave quint 2-2/3

super octave 2

fourniture IV








Ant Gt


principal 8

spitzflote 8

spitz celeste 8

principal 4

fifteenth 2

mixture III





Lieblich gedeckt 16

geigen principal 8

rohrflote 8

gambe 8

voix celeste 8

principal 4

waldflote 4

blockflote 2

pleinjeu IV

fagotto 16

trompette 8

fagotto 8X

clairon 4

voxhumana 8








Ant Sw


hohlflote 8

viola 8

voix celeste 8

flute couverte 4

blockflote 2

sesquialtera II

trumpet 8







nason flute 8

dulciana 8

unda maris 8

prestant 4

koppelflote 4

oktav 2

larigot 1-1/3

sesquialtera II

cymbal III

krummhorn 8






ant gt on ch








orch flute 8

violoncello 8

cello celeste 8

concert flute 4

french horn 8

english horn 8

trumpet harmonic 8

clairon 4







ant sw on so







untersatz 32x

contrabass 16

bourdon 16

gemshorn 16x

quintaten 16 gt

gedeckt 16 sw

principal 8

spitzflote 8

quintaten 8 gt

gedeckt 8 sw

choralbass 4

spitzflote 4x

flute 2x

mixture III

bombarde 16

fagotto 16 sw

trompette 8x

krummhorn 4 ch









Ant Ped



violone 16

bourdon 16X

flute 8x



This organ is maintained by Victor Marsilio of Victor

Organ Co in greater Youngstown Ohio.


wish list:


wish the organ had a 32 reed and chamade and tuba

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The organ I play each Sunday is a much more modest beast than yours Steve. And probably much more typical of an “average” UK church. Come to think of it, even my two local cathedrals organs are not that big.

For the specification, have a look at http://npor.emma.cam.ac.uk/cgi-bin/Rsearch...ec_index=D03036 or at our church website http://www.centrepiece.org which also has a couple of pictures of the organ.


Yes it has extensions and borrowing, but it works remarkably well considering it’s a hybrid of two now deceased organs. Whilst rummaging through the church archives I came across the proposed specification drawn up by a leading UK organ building firm. I can say without hesitation that I’m very glad Browne’s got the contract.


In the hands, and feet, of an expert (even me on a very very good day) it copes well with most of the repertoire. Allan Wicks treated us to a memorable Bach D major and Ridout’s Three Resurrection Dances. Widor 6 and the Liszt BACH also come across very well. David Flood also treated us to a fantastic Carillon de Westminster .


If anyone is passing through and wants a play, do let me know

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1923 Hillgreen, Lane Pipe Organ St Paul Lutheran Northeast Ohio





Open Diapason 8

Dulciana 8

Melodia 8


Great 4


Swell 16

Swell 8

Swell 4

Echo On Great





Open Diapason 8

Salicional 8

Vox Celeste 8

Gedeckt 8

Rohr Flute 4


Swell 16

Swell 4






Bourdon 16

Flute 8

Great 8

Swell 8





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Hello to all the good people of England on this Mander organ forums board:


I am not a player of the organ but instead sing in our church choir and love to

listen to others play. So I joined this forum to learn a little more about the organ .

I noticed this discussion asks what kind of organ do you play. Well I don't play but

our church in the midwest is an older conservative institution with a long history

and has had several pipe organs. The building is old and large even if the

congregation is not.


The original organ as far as I can see is still in the back balcony. It has faded

pipes with decorations on them. The chancel choir is supported by an organ from

the 1920s that seems powerful enough. Then a few years back in the 1960s and

70s we had some young organists from area colleges talk wealthier congregants

into underwriting smaller organs for both of the transepts: one has a 2 decker

organ for Bach and at the other end of the transepts is another one for French

organ music. Later someone parted with a large amount to connect these different

organs together into one big organ that replaced the console up in the choir stalls

and made it movable.


I'm not too great at writing down details of organ names but I think that's what

this thread wants. So I will try.


Back balcony called Gallery Great


Double Open Diapason 16

Open Diapason 8

Gross Flute 8

Doppel Flute 8

Bell Gamba 8

Principal 4

Twelfth 2-2/3

Fifteenth 2

Grave Mixture II

Double Trumpet 16

Trumpet 8

Clarion 4

Gallery Great Unison Off


Chancel Great (where the choir is seated)


Tibia 16

First Open Diapason Phonon 8

Second Open Diapason 8

Flauto Major 8

Melodia 8

Viola Da Gamba 8

Gemshorn 8

Principal 4

Harmonic Flute 4

Tuba Profunda 16

Harmonic Tuba 8

Tuba Clarion 4


Great 16

Great 4

Swell 16

Swell 8

Swell 4

Choir 16

Choir 8

Choir 4

Solo 16

Solo 8

Solo 4

Echo 16

Echo 8

Echo 4

String 16

String 8

String 4




Transept Hauptwerk(imported from Europe)


Quintadena 16

Prinzipal 8


Oktav 4

Rohrflote 4

Nasat 2-2/3

Oktav 2


Terz 1-3/5



Fagot 16


H.W. Unison Off

Positiv to H.W.


KupferBordun 8

Holzquintade 8

Prinzipal 4

Blockflote 4

Lieblich Prinzipal 2

Gemshorn 2

Quintlein 1-1/3

Sifflote 1









Quintadena 32

Prinzipalbass 16

Subbass 16

Grossnasat 10-2/3

Oktavbass 8

Gedaktpommer 8

Quint 5-1/3


Spillflote 4

Waldflote 2


Kontra Dulzian 32



Trompetenbass 8

Schalmei 4

Zink 2

H.W. to Pedal

Pos to Ped


Transept Organ-also from Europe


Grand Orgue


Bourdon 16

Montre 8

Flute Harmonique 8

Salicional 8

Prestant 4

Doublette 2



Basson 16

Trompette 8

Clairon 4

Cornet-V TF


G.O. 16

Recit 16-8




Diapason 8

Bourdon 8

Viole De Gambe 8

Voix Celeste 8

Principal 4

Flute Octaviante 4

Nasard 2-2/3

Octavin 2

Tierce 1-3/5

Larigot 1-1/3

Plein Jeu-IV

Cromorne 16

Trompette Harmonique 8

Hautbois 8

Clarinette 8

Voix Humaine 8

Chalumeau 4


Recit 16








Prestant 8

Flute 8

Grosse Tierce 6-2/5

Grosse Septieme 4-4/7

Grosse Neuvieme 3-5/9

Basse De Chorale 4

Grosse Fourniture II

Bombarde 16

Trompette 8

Chalumeau 4

G.O. 8-Ped

Pos  8 to Ped


Gallery Swell


Bourdon 16

Open Diapason 8

Stopped Diapason 8

Salicional 8

Aeoline 8

Fugara 4

Traverso Flute 4

Flautino 2

Dolce Cornet III

Contra Posaune 16

Cornopean 8

Oboe 8

Clarion 4





Chancel Swell


Bourdon 16

Open Diapason Phonon 8

Stopped Diapason 8

Viol dorchestra 8

Vox Celeste 8

Rohr Flute 4

Viloina 4


Tuba 8

Oboedamore 8

Vox Humana 8



4 Swell


Gallery Choir


Violin Diapason 8

Melodia 8

Quintadena 8

Dulciana 8

Flute damour 4


Clarinet 8




16-8-4 Sw

16-8-4 So


16-8-4 Cel

16-8-4 Echo


Chancel Choir


English Open Diapason 8

Concert Flute 8

Gamba 8

Dulciana 8

Suabe Flute 4

Clarinet 8

Waldhorn 8

Vox Humana 8



16 Choir

4 Choir


Gallery Solo


Grand Diapason 8

Major Flute 8

Grand Gamba 8

Tuba 8

16 Solo

4 Solo


Chancel Solo


Open Diapason Major 8

Tibia Clausa 8

Viola D Orchestra 8

French Horn 8

English Horn 8

Flugel Horn 8

Tuba Mirabilis 8


16 Solo

4 Solo


great 8

swell 8

choir 8

string 8

celestial 8

echo 8


Chancel Strings


Violin D Orchestre 8

Violin Celeste 8

Viola 8

Viola Celeste 8


16 Strings

4 Strings

Chancel Celestial

Dolce Flute 8

Dolce Flute Celeste 8

Vox Mystica 8


16 Celestial

4 Celestial


Gallery Echo


Cor De Nuit 8

Flutedamour 8

Viol Aetheria 8

Vox Celeste 8

Lieblich Flute 4

Vox Mistico 8


16 Echo

4 Echo



Gallery Pedal


Double Open 32

Open Diapason 16

Violone 16

Bourdon 16

Soft Flute 16

Major Flute 8

Cello 8

Soft Flute 8

Trombone 16

Chancel Pedal

Bourdon 32

Open diapason 16 no1

Open diapason 16 no 2

Violone 16

Bourdon 16 no1

Bourdon 16 no2

Dulciana 16

Octave 8

Flute 8

Cello 8

Contrafagotto 32

Subtuba 16

Fagotto 16

Tuba 8

Great 8

Swell 8-4

Choir 8

Solo 8-4

String 8-4

Celesteas 8

Echo 8



I imagine some of you fine folks wonder why our church has so much pipe organ

in it. Well when money is abundant ; people want memorials to remember lost

loved ones and pipe organs are among church furnishings that just keep on

plugging away so in a sense they are like the stained glass or marble finish or

some other costly item; they will be there for a long time to remind the family of

their departed one and it gives them a ray of solace and peace.


Also consider that the church here is a haven from the bustle of life outside. So

the organ and the choir must uplift. The beautiful tones of our pipe organ at the

hands of our principal and assistant organists sooth and calm the nerves that are

jumpy. The string tones, the soft sounds , the harp, the chimes all make for a

reverential atmosphere as I am certain is also the case in your magnificent



Also the organ is powerful when needed to be and evokes many emotions of

elation. If I had the money I would donate one of them there chamerade stops

that is the latest craze around the US>


Bye now...


Later someone parted with a large amount to connect these different organs together into one big organ that replaced the console up in the choir stalls and made it movable.
I hope they also left enough money to revoice this agglomeration into a single organ. ;)


I remember hearing some scathing comments once when I was in the states from the owner of a 4-manual E. M. Skinner about a neighbouring church's giant 5-manual being "several organs thrown together".


PS: Nice try, Steve. I was wondering how long it would take for the Youngstown Fire Department handle to appear. ;) Now: does your instrument really exist? I think not.

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I'm not too great at writing down details of organ names but I think that's what this thread wants. So I will try.


I imagine some of you fine folks wonder why our church has so much pipe organ in it.




I feel it lacks something.


I don't know whether it's humility or Erzahlers.





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