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Hymn tune prelude query

Martin Cooke

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Can anyone recommend a hymn tune prelude on 'Wareham', by any chance? I guess there will be one or two in the Mayhew corpus but is there anything by anyone else? I recall something in an old blue OUP album by Murrill (2 against 3 or something like that)? Does anybody play that? What else is there? I know we're not talking Stanford, Parry, et al, but Rowley? Thiman? Any thoughts gladly received!


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I have just bought "12 short preludes on Old English Psalm Tunes" by W. T. Best and I think they're very good. Lots of Lenten ones, but one on Hanover which I played (badly) on Sunday. They are short to very short. There is a beautiful one on a tune by Purcell and one I intend to play this Sunday on "Southwell (Lord Jesus, think on me) - the tune being entitled "Bow down, thy gracious ear". Tunes that are still commonly sung include, as well as Southwell and Hanover, The Old Hundredth, Melcombe, Surrey, St Anne. But the others are well worth playing, I think.


The point is that there is a prelude on Wareham ("Thy mercies, Lord, shall be my song"), but it is very short so may not be any use to you. However I do recommend these little preludes. They're published by Fitzjohn Music Publications (i.e. David Patrick. (http://www.impulse-m...tzjohnmusic.htm)

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Fantasia on Wareham by Herbert Murrill. I have it in a selection of "Hymn Tune Voluntaries" published by Oxford - I've probably had my copy 40 years or so, so it may not still be in print. I can't recall seeing another version in my rather eccentric collection of organ music.


Every Blessing



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Thanks, Tony - yes, this is the piece I referred to - I only used to play the one in this album based on Hyfrydol by Henry Coleman - (a long time ago). Mmm... I'm not really sure about the Murrill - I'm sure it's well written and all of that, but I don't feel I want to rush to play it having given it a try through yesterday. Thanks for the Willan and Best suggestions, too - I don't have these and don't want to spend money on this so I'll keep looking.


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