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Mander Organ Builders Forum

Lichfield Area RSCM Convention


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The Lichfield committee has organised a one day convention at Wrekin College in Wellington, Telford.

Saturday 11th May 2013

The day is aimed at all involved in worship, so the workshops include support for church musicians and clergy. These will include workshops on organ playing and service accompaniment, developing voices, using instruments in worship, contemporary styles of worship and the use of music technology for arranging. There will be a Young Voices workshop and a "Lets Sing" Faure's Requiem too.

The workshop leaders include, Catherine Ennis, Rosemary Field and Frances Novillo. The day will be action packed against the backdrop of Wrekin College, using the music department and chapel, plus the Baptist/URC church next door.

Wrekin College is only 3 minutes walk from the railway station.


Here is a link to the RSCM site - do pass the word! It is not restricted to Lichfield area members and therefore all are welcome.




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