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Mander Organ Builders Forum

Academie d'orgue de Dieppe

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I don't know if such an advertising in in the rules of the forum, but I apologize by advance if it isn't.

So, ladies and gentlemen, from the 6th to the 14th of July, will be held the "Académie de Dieppe".




The "Claviers Anciens" ("ancient keyboards") courses are already full packed, but there is still places in the "Claviers modernes" ("Modern Keyboards") and Plain-Chant classes.


With visit of the marvelous organs around Dieppe and Rouen (yes, I know what you're already thinking about !).

This year, there will be special insight in the XXth century french repertoire and french organs.

Quite despised in France at the moment. They will learn to appreciate it in 10 or 20 years, as usual, and regret all they spoiled in between... Usual story !


Dieppe is not that far from UK, there is still ferries from New Haven, if I remember...

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