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TS Jones catalogue


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I came across a reference in the NPOR to a catalogue of the organs of TS Jones and was wondering if anyone might know if this has been published in any books or journals in recent times?


I am about to 'inherit' a little TS Jones in the chapel of my new school. It's a St Cecilia model with one manual and F-f3 compass. It's pleasant enough, as far as it goes (which isn't very far). A local builder has recently added a pedalboard, which might have been a good idea had there been sufficient distance between it and the bottom of the keyboard: as it is, I will have to attempt to play with my legs splayed in a most undignified manner...


The aforementioned builder claims it was built by William Hill in 1740 :lol:!! I'm surprised he didn't say Father Smith...


Many thanks for any info you can give.



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You might try enquiring through the British Organ Archive in Birmingham. Their 2015 Handlist (online) [don't use the outdated 2011 link on the NPOR] does reference a folder they have on TS Jones but unfortunately does not mention what the contents are.


I thought several years ago I came across a website about TS Jones but I can't seem to find it now!

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Many thanks Philip - your mention of the website triggered a memory and I realised I already have a printout of the list in a dusty folder - I must catalogue my stuff! It was compiled by GF Howe in 1994.


No mention of 'my' instrument though, either in its present or previous location.



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There used to be a web site listing T.S. Jones organs - the link I've had is no longer working. Maybe it's been moved - or just taken down (it looks like it was on a free hosting site that's no longer functioning). If you know the previous locations of the organ in question, there may be some info on NPOR.



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