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Mander Organ Builders Forum

Saint-Saens Fantaisie in E Flat


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Greetings all,

I am starting to learn the Fantaisie in E flat by Saint-Saens, however the score indicates in the first section that the organ in theory should have three-manuals. Now whilst the organ that I practice on does have three manuals, unfortunately one of them (the Choir) is prepared for only...


So my question is thus: Has anyone had any experience playing this piece on just two manuals and if so, was it effective?


Many thanks,


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Can't say that I've ever attempted it on a two manual organ, but even though the Choir is prepared for, is the action working and

can you couple the Swell down to it? I know registration wise and musically it's not ideal, but you get a pretty good idea of what to expect on a three manual organ just for learning and practice purposes

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