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Mander Organ Builders Forum

What's happening?

John Robinson

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That's wonderful, firstrees! But there is declining activity across all the forums I'm interested in, and these cover not only organs but other subjects as well. They seem to go quiet for long periods, briefly to recover with spikes of activity, and then go quiet again. Is it because people prefer Facebook, Twitter, etc these days?


I was reading the recent Organists' Review this week and thought at the time maybe there's material there to stimulate activity on this forum. For example, what about John Norman's remarks about two cathedral organs yet to be built? Or the articles about house organs? Or even the apparently declining sales of that magazine, judging by the remarks of one contributor? But then, if one wanted to do this, the more natural home might be the OR Facebook pages. If so, then it's QED.



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Even some of the organ groupes on Facebook have been quieter than usual - there have been a few posts on "Organ Matters", but otherwise, everywhere is pretty quiet - just one of those things. Maybe everyone is busy frantically trying to get Christmas repertoire sorted & practiced!


Every Blessing



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Well, it’s nice to know there isn’t a massive technical problem with the board! And, thanks to the prompting from Colin I have subscribed to Organists’ Review via iTunes as I’d hate to miss anything interesting about house organs :-)

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With advent and Christmas just around the corner, perhaps everyone is too busy preparing and practising to be posting?

And then Epiphany, then Lent and Easter.

I expect we'll have to wait for Trinity for a mass of posts!

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