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Nicolas Séjean Noels


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Hi everyone,

Happy new year! Have been enjoying the trois siècles d'orgue à Notre Dame de Paris CD and particularly enjoy the first track. I'd like to learn it but am struggling to get hold of a copy of the Noël Suisse by Séjean. I know that a relatively new edition was done in the late 90's by editions Chanvrelin in Paris but it would appear that they may no longer be in business as I get no response by email, fax or phone when I try and contact them using the details on their website. Any assistance from members would be gratefully received.

All the best,


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Hi Nick,

As far as I know, Chanvrelin are still in business, but like many French publishers are not particularly easy to get in contact with. The edition you were looking for is available from La Flûte de Pan in Paris: http://www.laflutedepan.com/partition/2198320/nicolas-sejan-pieces-d'orgue-partition-orgue.html


I've never had cause to order from their website, but whenever I'm in Paris (not very frequently, alas), I usually pay a visit. They have three stores jam-packed full of music - and an incredible range of composers and publishers represented.

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