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Help identifying instrument


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This seems like the best place to ask. Sorting out old scores and came across a battered old copy of Dieu Parmi Nous which I used for an FTCL exam in the early 80s - I'm curious/nostalgic to find out where it might have been. I have dim memories of the organ being a three manual Walker in a gallery, and that it was a stop key console. Very badly yellowed keys. It was somewhere near Maida Vale, I think. Cursory search on NPOR doesn't help much - does this description sound familiar to anyone here? Very grateful for any leads..... Thanks!

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Is it this organ? I cannot get the link to work, but the church is called St Marks Hamilton Terrace.


It has those characteristically shaped stop keys that Walker used.


I know it from my student days in the 70s, when I applied to be a bass in the choir there (I've not actually played it myself). I went there about two years ago, to ask permission to practice on it. It is not now fully playable, and I did not get permission to practice, and the choir has also gone.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Could this be it?





I only know it because I saw Paul Derrett installing it in its new home. It's not far from Shrewsbury.


Interesting. I was organist at this church for a while, when I was a student. Even then, the instrument was showing its age and there were some deficiencies in the tonal scheme (and inter-clavier balances), largely due to the fact that a few ranks were extended. However, as a whole it was reasonably versatile and made a good, colourful sound in the church.

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