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Mander Organ Builders Forum

Easter highlight

Martin Cooke

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An Easter highlight for me was the Easter Hymn from Cavaleria Rusticana from King's on Saturday night. This is not a piece of music that has ever come my way until now. A piano transcription on IMSLP works reasonably easily on the organ and I look forward to including it in the Easter diet next year. A tweet came my way praising Ashley Grote's arrangement of Lord of the Dance which was broadcast from Norwich on Easter morning. I heard it in the car as I journeyed to my first service of the day and it sounded most exciting and worth 'listening again' to.

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An Easter highlight for me was the Easter Hymn from Cavaleria Rusticana from King's on Saturday night.


Completely agree. In fact it was not until after Songs of Praise the following day that I realised quite how wonderful the whole Kings service was in comparison.



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I thought the Easter Hymn outstanding. It really suited the choir and the soprano soloist was superb. I noticed the divided pedal in use near the end.

Another highlight for me was the soloist in RVW's "Love bade me welcome". He really got to the heart of the words and his diction was crystal clear. Some notes were a cent or two below pitch to my ears, but not enough to spoil my enjoyment. I also liked the descant to the final hymn: simple and effective.

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I always enjoy KCC's offerings - how refreshing to read positive comments for a change!! I can't quite put my finger on why, but I must confess to finding the plainsong Passion Gospel a slightly weak link though...


Regarding the organ - has anything been done to the big Swell 8' Reed (can't remember if it's a Trumpet, Horn, or whatever)? It seems much more evident now...

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