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Mander Organ Builders Forum

Harold Darke

Shropshire Lad

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The title certainly appears when entered as a Google search - Sheet Music plus for example claims to sell it. It is also available in some libraries. I'm not sure how legal it is to scan and send a copy but that may be an answer. (My own copy is scrawled with markings - my teacher learned from Darke but I lay no claim to having inside info on how to register the music!)

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Allegro Music www.allegro.co.uk can print it under licence.


"In addition, Allegro Music pays particular attention to the field of organ and choral music and, as well as holding extensive stocks of organ music, we run an archive service for out-of-print organ music for Oxford University Press, Peters Edition and Schott & Co Ltd. Allegro Music also sell CDs and DVDs from Regent Records, Priory Records and JAV Recordings."



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