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Mander Organ Builders Forum

Messy Church

Martin Cooke

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Does anyone have any experiences of this they might be willing to share? I have done a little reading up about it and hope not to display my ignorance completely, but it seems to be a worldwide scheme for churches to adopt to help bring people of all ages to the church. I've noticed that some churches have this once a month as a family worship. It's a bit unfortunate that Messy Church as a title for this implies it's for children - a sort of untidy Sunday School 'thing' - it isn't meant to be that, but I can't, personally, see something called this appealing to older people who are looking for a focus when they are seeking to start out on a spiritual journey. Anyway, leave that aside... What I really am interested in is some guidance as to where this is done really well and what musical resources there are for Messy Church. I don't think I can quite imagine hymns/songs etc that are truly 'all-age.' When I was regularly involved in all-age worship under the guise of Family Service, we'd end up with a couple of traditional hymns and a couple of children's hymns but is that the best one can hope for?


Any help, advice, thoughts or pointers on this much appreciated.



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I have to confess that, however well-intentioned it is, the term "Messy Church" puts me right off.

Whatever happened to "decently and in order"?

[Yes, I know, I'm a grumpy old git. :D]

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"Messy Church" has been going on for years in our church but it's not a 'service'.

It's more of a couple of hours of activities for kids that takes place in church once a month.

Doesn't involve any music. Seems very popular.


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Our benefice has held a Messy Church since just before Christmas 2016. The intention is to draw children from a large new housing development and has, by any measure been successful. I'm not involved as they have their own musicians but here is a link to the benefice's site; Messy Church being a little way down.



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