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New Organ on the Mander Website

Guest Geoff McMahon

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Guest Geoff McMahon

We can't, in all honesty, take credit for the appearance of the organ. The case was designed by Craig Hamilton and made by Houghtons of York. But I agree it is elegant and matches the chapel and its furnishings perfectly.


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Guest Geoff McMahon

Why limit it to four? Why limit it to bears? If a client wished it, I am pretty sure we could come up with the goodies.

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9 hours ago, John Pike Mander said:

I am pretty sure we could come up with the goodies.

Bill Oddie, Tim Brooke-Taylor . . . ? A Gumdroppeflute ? Enough !

An account of this outstanding building is here: http://www.craighamiltonarchitects.com/uploads/2017%2002%2013%20Art%20and%20Soul_L.pdf. It is an example of how fruitful inspired collaboration between ‘artists’ with vision can be.

I have long investigated the possibility of such an instrument (for private purposes). It would be wonderful, were a recording to be provided for us to enjoy. The Lord only knows what could be done with my name.

And, as our host says: “it enables an organist to explore much repertoire that can only be played on few instruments” in the UK.

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15 hours ago, John Pike Mander said:

Why limit it to four? Why limit it to bears? If a client wished it, I am pretty sure we could come up with the goodies.

Quite.  With only three bears plus Goldilocks, surely one of them would be just right?

But wouldn't the additional complication of the mechanism also become relevant in these circumstances?  I am reminded of the hymn I was introduced to in Sunday School (what's that?) as a small child which included the phrase "my chains fell off".  It wasn't until later that I realised this did not relate to an inadequately-maintained bicycle, and one wouldn't want such a catastrophe to befall an over-conflated bear stop.

Though as John Furse rightly said, (oh please!), enough, enough ...  But as he also asked more seriously, are any recordings available of the instrument, if only on youtube? (I couldn't find any).


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I was very interested in the thoughts behind deciding on a 1-manual instrument. There is indeed a huge repertoire that would be playable on this instrument, especially with the low G and A. 

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