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AFAIR – a female alto is raucous

AFK – absent from keyboard 

BTT –Byrd, Tallis, Tomkins

DGMW – Degens, Grant made waves

EOBD – Evensong over: Bull & Dog*

FWIW – Father Willis is wonderful

IMNSHO – Ireland’s Mag & Nunc ? So heavenly – outstanding.

LOL – Lamentations observe Lent

NNTR – no Nasard, Tierce, Rohrflute

OMG – Orlando MEANS Gibbons

OP – Oberwerk/Positiv

OT – obnoxious Tuba

OTOH – Ottobeuren’s Tremulants oscillate tremendously

RSVP – really silkily-voiced Precentor

TBA – the Tuba’s stop knob is missing a letter

TBC – Telemann: basso continuo  

TGIF – that Gloria in F

TIA – tomorrow: Introit, Anthem

TTYF – the Tenors yell foully

WTF – wooden Trombone: fabulous

* a pub

It must be the hot weather.

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Oh dear! I manage to follow most things on here - with the possible exception of when the good Dr. Colin indulges in explanations surrounded by Physics and Maths!!

………………………………………………. but I don't understand any of this!! 

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22 minutes ago, S_L said:


Oh dear! I manage to follow most things on here - with the possible exception of when the good Dr. Colin indulges in explanations surrounded by Physics and Maths!!

………………………………………………. but I don't understand any of this!! 

The link below explains 50 of the commonest abbreviations used in texting and email messages, and those who posted above are just fitting amusing organ-related alternatives to them .  But I'm no expert so hopefully this post won't be deemed patronising by those who are. 


(I think you have to be a teenager to be even in the running to be called expert on this sort of thing, though apparently they now consider what we are discussing here to be old hat.  Anyone with any street cred at all (i.e. definitely not me) will own a phone which auto-corrects and auto-inserts the correct phrase or abbreviation, depending on how you set it up.  Mine doesn't I hasten to add).

The list does contain quite a good one which does not need to be forced into an 'organ' situation:

PEBKAC - Problem exists between Keyboard and Chair



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2 hours ago, Colin Pykett said:

The link below explains 50 of the commonest abbreviations used in texting and email messages, and those who posted above are just fitting amusing organ-related alternatives to them .  But I'm no expert so hopefully this post won't be deemed patronising by those who are. 


(I think you have to be a teenager to be even in the running to be called expert on this sort of thing, though apparently they now consider what we are discussing here to be old hat.  Anyone with any street cred at all (i.e. definitely not me) will own a phone which auto-corrects and auto-inserts the correct phrase or abbreviation, depending on how you set it up.  Mine doesn't I hasten to add).

The list does contain quite a good one which does not need to be forced into an 'organ' situation:

PEBKAC - Problem exists between Keyboard and Chair




Thank you for the explanaiton Colin!! I don't text if I can help it and my mobile phone is of the type that went in, or was it out, two by two!!! 

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20 hours ago, Colin Pykett said:

(I think you have to be a teenager to be even in the running to be called expert on this sort of thing, 

Not at all!  I've been using such abbreviations in electronic communication since the mid-80s (i.e. well before the Internet reached the public).  But then, I was using a computer at university in the 60s - these things are hardly new!



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