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Mander Organ Builders Forum

Three new books

Paul Isom

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The latest three books to pop through my letterbox are:

Organ Building in Georgian and Victorian England - Thistlethwaite

The House of Brindley - Hughes

Wilkinson and Sons of Kendall - a history by Alan Mason

The first two tomes come at a hefty price tag, and as expected the Thistlethwaite book is a scholarly book detailing the history of Gray and Davison.  The Hughes book is a great read, chock full of information on the company and organs of Brindley and Foster.  The Wilkinson book is beautifully produced and is astonishing value for money at £20 inclusive of P & P.  It’s an easy read with details of the history of Wilkinsons and their organs together with stoplists. There are many photos, including a large colour set at the back of the book.  All highly recommended.

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Hi Paul

I picked up the Thistlethwaite book from our local bookshop yesterday - looking forward to reading it.  It cost more than I'd usually spend on a book - but I had a couple of Christmas/Birthday gifts that covered a lot of the cost.  I've had the Brindley book for a while - an interesting read.

I've not come across the Wilkinson book.  COuld you let me know where you got it from, and the full title, publisher etc.  (I use our local bookshop when I can)

Many thanks

Every Blessing


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