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Two quick queries...

Martin Cooke

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1. Has anyone ever seen a copy of the Sumsion arrangements of the two Hymn Preludes (for Orchestra) by Vaughan Williams? One is on Eventide and the other on Dominus Regit Me. 

2. Please could someone point me in the direction of an archive printing firm that handles the OUP archive? Allegro Music used to do this, of course, but now that they are no longer functioning, I am not sure to whom to turn. (Musicroom?? They do Novello offprints.)

Many thanks.



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On 16/03/2020 at 11:55, Martin Cooke said:

I wrote to Banks yesterday - received prompt message to say that he had it on order... so it's on its way. Very good service.

Banks were always excellent!

I remember, a very long time ago, when they were in Stonegate in York, I forgot to pay a bill. The next time I was in there I was summoned into Miss Banks' office for a telling off "Really", she said, "You must pay your bills on time!!" I felt like a naughty schoolboy being sent to my Headmaster!! Miss Banks, sadly, went to another great publishing house in another place many, many years ago but Nicholas, who I think, spent his entire working life working for Banks, and another guy, who names escapes me for the moment, were there years and years after the move from Stonegate to Lendal. And what an excellent service they always gave!!

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My copy arrived today so fantastic service from Banks Music Publications!

Thanks to Martin for sharing the details of this arrangement which is very nice indeed.

It always struck me that RVW's Prelude to the 49th Parallel (part of his film score) would work nicely as an organ arrangement. Has anyone come across one? I think I chanced upon a copy of the conductor's short score many moons ago and it was laid out on three staves, so a transcription would be fairly straightforward.

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17 hours ago, mrbouffant said:

My copy arrived today so fantastic service from Banks Music Publications!

Thanks to Martin for sharing the details of this arrangement which is very nice indeed.

It always struck me that RVW's Prelude to the 49th Parallel (part of his film score) would work nicely as an organ arrangement. Has anyone come across one? I think I chanced upon a copy of the conductor's short score many moons ago and it was laid out on three staves, so a transcription would be fairly straightforward.

Mine too! And the Prelude "New Commonwealth" from the 49th Parallel does work well on the organ. OUP published an arrangement by Christopher Morris. It was 2/6. 

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