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Organ on Radio 3 today

Tony Newnham

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Her programme was of recorded music in many different genres, and lasted two hours.  As stated above, it was a very varied range of music and performances.  Very self-effacingly, Rachel Mahon only included one track of her own playing on the superlative H&H organ at Coventry Cathedral.  Others may wish to expand on the repertoire which she chose,   She also came across as a superb presenter with informed introductions and explanations of musical terms, and wide and well-rounded musical tastes.  Congratulations to Coventry on appointing her. 

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I can recommend her latest CD of Canadian Organ Music which she launched at the cathedral recently with a short recital - a very pleasant prelude to the Organists' Assoc. AGM!  The CD is "Canadian Organ Music" by Rachel Mahon.  It's on the Delphian label DCD34234 and is played on the Coventry Cathedral Harrison.

Every Blessing


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