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Mander Organ Builders Forum

Are Your Voluntaries Long And Boring...

Guest Lee Blick

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Guest Lee Blick

The congregation may have long fled the cathedral/church building as you finally end your Messian at Choral Evensong. They would have to test their patience by listening to this piece:


The world's longest organ work


OK. in the interrogation facility in Guantanamo Bay, you have the choice of listening to 'John' or 'Arty'. What is it going to be?

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Guest Roffensis

For Mothers day I played Beethoven's Funeral March (Piano Sonata one) and effectively empitied the church very quickly. Entirely appropriate for Lent I thought. :o


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As for a Guantanamo Bay's organ, we could imagine a kind of synthesis

for a "Trompette militaire" stop:


-Open shallots like in France

-Horizontal "en chamade" like in Spain

-High pressure like in a 1920 H&H

-A neo-baroque "near to no voicing" treatment

-Hope-Jones scaling.


Who will volunteer for the opening?


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