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Another organ to go to the continent


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I see an organ from a redundant church in Sunderland may be going to Germany.

It doesn't look as if it is a particularly fine instrument.

https://www-bbc-co-uk.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.bbc.co.uk/news/amp/uk-england-tyne-53918041?amp_js_v=a3&amp_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQFKAGwASA%3D#referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&amp_tf=From %1%24s

I think it's  probably this one: NPOR N15147

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It's a shame that so many of our churches are either closing down or throwing out their organs in favour of 'worship groups' (what I suggest might turn out to be a passing phase).

At least this, and certainly some other, unwanted organs are going somewhere where they will be appreciated.

I also find it encouraging that Germany seems interested in acquiring traditional English organ sounds.  After all, we have been importing theirs for some time now.

My ideal organ venue - never likely to happen, of course - would contain several organs from different European countries for interest and comparison: German, Dutch, French, Italian, Iberian.  (Well, I can dream!)

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The 3 manual Hunter instrument at Christ Church Woking was dismantled and shipped to Germany at the end of last year. Sadly at Woking they had little or no interest in the instrument at all, and it was only through a modest income from organ recitals that enabled it to be tuned occasionally. It had been rapidly deteriorating for some time, so it is heartening that it will be restored (I believe, retaining the tubular pneumatic action) and rebuilt over there. Strangely, it was completely omitted from the list of the larger Hunter instruments in the recent article in Organists Review.

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