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Mander Organ Builders Forum

A New Mander Organ

Pierre Lauwers

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In a single lifetime, organ-builders don't have that many NEW organs to which they attach their name.


It's a bit like giving-birth one assumes.


We have all been so engrossed in EU matters, this new instrument seems to have escaped our attention.


However, even without hearing the organ, it is obvious that this is a beautiful-looking instrument with a very complete specification, and if the sound of it lives up to the visual splendours (which I feel sure it will) this is indeed a moment to rejoice in the midst of so much uncertainty.


Congratulations to John Mander and his team.



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"a very complete specification"




As always, complete, and different in each instrument.

I noted for example the absence of 4' reed, maybe for

acoustical reasons.

There are things to learn there, and I hope we shall have

the scales and details on one of these Pdf-files. (and why

not an MP3 by the way?)


Best wishes,


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