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Mander Organ Builders Forum

Some other sites

Martin Cooke

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For checking out if you have time and are looking for worthwhile organ websites:

One of our forumites, Paul Tindall runs an excellent Facebook site called British Pipe Organs - something to read there every day - full of interest and not afraid of being a bit controversial - it's here

Gary Owens (GO Organ Builders) also has a very interesting FB site - again, well worth keeping an eye on... here

Lance Foy - the excellent west-country organ builder has another FB page about his work and projects. That's here. A great family business this with Mrs Julie Foy and their son Christopher all very much part of the organ building team.

Henry Willis and Sons Ltd also maintains a good FB page here. They have some interesting work going on and there is a fascinating little clip recently posted with audio of Henry Willis III conducting some voicing work and talking it through. 

You don't have to be members of Facebook to see these things - if a little box pops up asking you to sign in, just click, 'not now' and you will be able to proceed.


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