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What's this piece?

Martin Cooke

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3 hours ago, Martin Cooke said:

Can anyone identify the voluntary at the beginning of this service, please? Frustratingly, I can't quite read the title.

Many thanks.

And the link? - or am I being thick!!!!

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45 minutes ago, Martin Cooke said:

Aaaaarrrrrgh! No you're not, S_L! Sorry!!

Here's the link - played by Claudia Grinnell at Winchester Cathedral. 

I am bound to say that I am also interested in the music she plays before and after this service, too! 

Ah - well the first piece is 'Super hanc Petram' by Clarence Lucas. I could read 'Petram' and then a search on that and 'organ music' produced it. Not sure yet if it's in print. 

Can anyone help with the second service, before and after?

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14 hours ago, SlowOrg said:

No, it’s the first one – "Hallelujah", has been restored. [Score (first page)]

The whole suite was recorded by Marilyn Keiser and is available on Spotify (along with other organ pieces by Dan Locklair).


Ah, goodness, I should have known that, SlowOrg - thanks very much indeed. I don't suppose you recognise the music at the beginning of the service do you? Is that another Locklair piece, possibly? "Hallalujah" has been restored would make a great voluntary for a first Sunday back in church with choir and singing!

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5 minutes ago, Martin Cooke said:

I don't suppose you recognise the music at the beginning of the service do you? Is that another Locklair piece, possibly? 

How boring is it, if I keep answering my own questions?! I've discovered now, having been put on the right track by SlowOrg, that it is indeed another movement from Rubrics - Silence may be kept. Sorry to have wasted everyone's time!


18 hours ago, Keitha said:

'Super hanc Petram' is (to be) published by Bardon Music (http://www.bardon-music.com).  It's currently shown as being 'in preparation'.

Yes, I saw that, but have managed to get hold of a second hand copy online. I wish I could resist buying all this music!

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Firstly, I haven’t heard any of this recording, but interested to learn, Martin, what you thought of the Winchester organ.  You confided on an earlier thread that you hardly knew it.  Claudia Grinnell came to us from Salisbury Cathedral, in itself, the most impressive of credentials.  She is clearly on the list of very talented lady organists.   

The Winchester organ is also on the list for overhaul and doubtless some up-dating by H&H, but I haven’t heard any further details.  I understood it was to be mostly keeping the status quo and only reinstating the FW vox humana - one hopes with one of similar type.

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7 hours ago, Rowland Wateridge said:

Firstly, I haven’t heard any of this recording, but interested to learn, Martin, what you thought of the Winchester organ.  You confided on an earlier thread that you hardly knew it.  Claudia Grinnell came to us from Salisbury Cathedral, in itself, the most impressive of credentials.  She is clearly on the list of very talented lady organists.   

The Winchester organ is also on the list for overhaul and doubtless some up-dating by H&H, but I haven’t heard any further details.  I understood it was to be mostly keeping the status quo and only reinstating the FW vox humana - one hopes with one of similar type.

I've listened to quite a few online services, Rowland, several with CG playing, and it has all sounded well and been very interesting, especially to hear some of her repertoire as you can tell from this thread. But I am always interested in what other organist play before and after services. I can't tell very much at all about the organ, and as I said in a previous post, I last played it over 40 years ago for an evensong. It's not hard to imagine that it's ready for a good 'seeing-to' but also not hard to imagine what a great job H&H will do.

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