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The Arrival of the Queen of Sheba—favourite cuts?


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I’d love to hear from organists that have found good, musically convincing, cuts in this popular Wedding prelude. I think I need it to last about 2 minutes; and I probably play it at a less than virtuosic tempo.

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I haven't got my copy to hand, but I often play it from a manuals only book to be more Handelian (or that's my excuse). Something like this:


Playing to the end of the second bar on the bottom system of the first page and then picking it up later. In this copy maybe at the third bar top system of the last page.

This also looks like a decent edition:


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I was once asked to play this for the bridal entrance by a couple who liked it so much they wanted me to play the whole piece and just keep going until the end knowing they would be at the altar by the time the natural "shortened" stopping point had been reached. As it was in a cathedral the walk down the aisle was already quite long enough. Somewhat nerve-racking, given that I rarely play the whole piece, and the middle bit is probably rather harder than the cheating shorter version!

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Contrabombarde—I know exactly how that felt! I did a 2 minute version and it was still too long. The next day I heard Anna Lapwood relate that she once played it at the start of a wedding—she could see the West End and the East End from the console but not the middle bit of the bride’s route. She’d worked out the length of music that was needed and started when she got the signal from the clergy. At the end she could see no sign of the bride. So she played it again. Still no sign of the bride. And a third time. Turned out the bride had stopped halfway for photos!!

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