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Mander Organ Builders Forum

Radley College

Martin Cooke

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The new organ at Radley College appears to be nearing completion. I've seen a photo somewhere (Twitter?) showing the console much more advanced than in the photos on Nicholson's website. This strikes me as a fabulous project and just what a large new 3-manual organ should be like. I am sure that the congregational singing there is absolutely terrific, and I am certain that the new organ will inspire it further.

I couldn't help but think of the wonderful hymn singing that goes on in many independent schools as I listened to Dr Michael Moseley's Just one Thing on Radio 4, on my way home from church on Sunday, when he was reminding us that 5 minutes loud singing a day is very good for our immune systems and health generally. I think this link takes you to this programme. Well worth a listen.

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