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Norwich Cathedral


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Harrison's new specification for Norwich has been posted on their website.

1. Double Open Wood (from 3) 32
2. Open Wood I 16
3. Open Wood II 16
4. Open Diapason I 16
5. Open Diapason II (Grand) 16
6. Violone 16
7. Viole (Solo) 16
8. Bourdon 16
9. Lieblich Bourdon (Choir) 16
10. Dulciana 16
11. Quint 10 2/3
12. Octave Wood (from 2) 8
13. Octave (from 4) 8
* 14. Principal 8
15. Violoncello (from 6) 8
16. Bass Flute (from 8
* 17. Twelfth 5 1/3
18. Super Octave (from 4) 4
* 19. Fifteenth 4
20. Octave Flute (from 4
21. Mixture IV
22. Contra Trombone (from 23) 32
23. Trombone 16
24. Bass Trumpet (Grand) 16
25. Orchestral Trumpet (Solo) 16
* 26. Trumpet (Swell) 16
27. Clarion (from 23) 8
28. Octave Clarion (from 23) 4
Choir to Pedal Great to Pedal
Swell to Pedal Solo to Pedal
Pedal Divide
CHOIR ORGAN (unenclosed)
† 29. Lieblich Bourdon 16
† 30. Open Diapason 8
† 31. Viole d’Amour 8
† 32. Rohr Flute 8
† 33. Gemshorn 4
* 34. Open Flute 4
* 35. Nazard 2 2/3
† 36. Fifteenth 2
* 37. Block Flute 2
* 38. Tierce 1 3/5
* 39. Larigot 1 1/3
* 40. Mixture IV
* 41. Trompette 8
* 42. Cremona 8
43. Bass Trumpet (Grand) 16
44. Tromba (Grand) 8
45. Clarion (Grand) 4
Swell to Choir Solo to Choir
Choir & Great Exchange
† 46. Double Geigen 16
* 47. Open Diapason I 8
* 48. Open Diapason II 8
† 49. Stopped Diapason 8
* 50. Octave 4
* 51. Principal 4
* 52. Wald Flute 4
* 53. Octave Quint 2 2/3
* 54. Super Octave 2
* 55. Flautina 2
* 56. Mixture IV
* 57. Sharp Mixture 26.29.33 III
58. Cornet (g20) V
* 59. Posaune 8
Choir to Great Solo to Great Swell to Great
Great on Choir
60. Bourdon 16
61. Open Diapason 8
† 62. Lieblich Gedackt 8
* 63. Salicional 8
* 64. Voix Céleste (tenor c) 8
65. Principal 4
66. Lieblich Flute 4
67. Fifteenth 2
* 68. Sesquialtera 12.17 II
† 69. Mixture V
70. Oboe 8
† 71. Vox Humana 8
* 72. Double Trumpet 16
* 73. Trumpet 8
74. Horn 8
* 75. Clarion 4
Octave Unison Off Sub Octave
Solo to Swell
East Shutters Off West Shutters Off
76. Contra Viole (from 77) 16
77. Viol d’Orchestre 8
78. Voix Célestes (2 ranks from tenor c) 8
* 79. Harmonic Flute 8
80. Octave Viole (from 77) 4
81. Flauto Traverso 4
82. Cor Anglais (tenor c) 16
83. Orchestral Oboe 8
84. Clarinet 8
* 85. French Horn 8
86. Orchestral Trumpet (from 87) 16
87. Orchestral Trumpet 8
88. Orchestral Trumpet (from 87) 4
89. Tuba Mirabilis 8
90. Cornet (Great) V
Octave Unison Off Sub Octave
East Shutters Off West Shutters Off
(Octave couplers do not affect 76, 77, 80, 86, 87 & 88)
GRAND ORGAN (Triforium)
91. Double Open Diapason 16
92. Open Diapason I 8
93. Open Diapason II 8
† 94. Harmonic Clarabella 8
95. Octave 4
96. Octave Quint 2 2/3
97. Super Octave 2
98. Mixture IV
99. Bass Trumpet 16
100. Tromba 8
101. Clarion 4
Grand on Choir
102. Cymbelstern
Great and Pedal Pistons
Pedal to Swell Pistons
Generals on Swell Foot Pistons
Ten foot pistons to the Pedal Organ
Ten pistons to the Choir Organ
Ten pistons to the Great Organ
Ten pistons to the Swell Organ
 (duplicated on foot pistons)
Ten pistons to the Solo Organ
Ten general pistons
Two coupler pistons
General cancel piston
Pedal cancel piston
Doubles off piston
Reversible pistons:
 Choir to Pedal, Great to Pedal,
 Swell to Pedal, Solo to Pedal,
 Swell to Choir, Solo to Choir,
 Swell to Great, Choir to Great,
 Solo to Great, Solo to Swell
 1, 22
Reversible foot pistons:
 Great to Pedal, 1, 22 & 102
Stepper, operating general pistons
 in sequence
7,992 general piston memories in eight
 libraries of 999
128 divisional piston memory levels
Two balanced swell pedals
 to the Swell and Solo
* New Stops
† Revoiced

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Thanks for posting, some interesting changes there. My understanding -

  • Great Primary is renamed Grand Organ (is this already in the Triforium or is it to be moved?  Which bit of the triforium?)  32 Manual Flue thankfully expunged.  5 1/3 Quint also expunged - comments anyone?   Harmonic Flute 8 transferred from Solo by the looks.
  • Great Secondary essentially replaced with a beefier Screen Great, mostly new.  Does the fact that both Gt Open Diapasons are new mean that we get lovely new tin case pipes?  Is the new Screen Gt West or East-facing?
  • New Gt and Sw chorus reeds and mixture work. (New Sw celestes too.)
  • New-ish Choir organ combining old positiv and 'Swell Choir' with new chorus reeds and mixture.  I daresay few will mourn the old Positif.
  • Pedal new chorus work at 8 / 4
  • Solo seemingly new French Horn despite the fact that the Solo already had an Orchestral Horn and there's a Horn on the Swell!

Blimey is there really room in the case for six independent 16' pedal flues?  (plus borrowings!)  I can't help but wonder if tonal egress might be better if a couple of them were ditched or moved to triforium?  And just the one extended pedal reed rank - this must be the old Ophicleide re-badged?

So there's a _lot_ of new manual chorus work; I suspect it could sound like a new organ!

Looks like Harrisons are doing the same trick I understand they did at York with separate E/W Swell shutters - seems sensible.  The choir is no longer enclosed, so that's one less swell enclosure to block sound egress.  It looks like the new scheme is much more versatile from the East side of the screen (esp if the Screen Gt is East-facing)?

I think I like the look of it!



ETA: Aha NPOR tells me that Primary Gt and Pedal Clobberwork are already in Triforium.

Edited by SomeChap
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On 14/06/2022 at 12:55, SomeChap said:

Thanks for posting, some interesting changes there. My understanding -

  • Great Primary is renamed Grand Organ (is this already in the Triforium or is it to be moved?  Which bit of the triforium?)  32 Manual Flue thankfully expunged.  5 1/3 Quint also expunged - comments anyone?   Harmonic Flute 8 transferred from Solo by the looks.
  • Great Secondary essentially replaced with a beefier Screen Great, mostly new.  Does the fact that both Gt Open Diapasons are new mean that we get lovely new tin case pipes?  Is the new Screen Gt West or East-facing?
  • New Gt and Sw chorus reeds and mixture work. (New Sw celestes too.)
  • New-ish Choir organ combining old positiv and 'Swell Choir' with new chorus reeds and mixture.  I daresay few will mourn the old Positif.
  • Pedal new chorus work at 8 / 4
  • Solo seemingly new French Horn despite the fact that the Solo already had an Orchestral Horn and there's a Horn on the Swell!

Blimey is there really room in the case for six independent 16' pedal flues?  (plus borrowings!)  I can't help but wonder if tonal egress might be better if a couple of them were ditched or moved to triforium?  And just the one extended pedal reed rank - this must be the old Ophicleide re-badged?

So there's a _lot_ of new manual chorus work; I suspect it could sound like a new organ!

Looks like Harrisons are doing the same trick I understand they did at York with separate E/W Swell shutters - seems sensible.  The choir is no longer enclosed, so that's one less swell enclosure to block sound egress.  It looks like the new scheme is much more versatile from the East side of the screen (esp if the Screen Gt is East-facing)?

I think I like the look of it!



ETA: Aha NPOR tells me that Primary Gt and Pedal Clobberwork are already in Triforium.

Great Primary is in the North triforium, one bay westwards of the case so I assume it will go roughly in the same area. The Quint was not used much but actually a really lovely flute but I think you are correct that the Solo Flute will be exported.

The Great secondary was a 1969 ish change and I always thought that it didn't match the rest of the organ. I hope that the case pipes remain as they are - tin would not work with that design.

The solo french horn was the old Tuba from the N&B 5 manual and was not a happy bunny, collapsing etc.

As far as I know - the floor level will be unenclosed choir organ chancel side with the enclosed solo west side but speaking both ways with a double-front. Upstairs will be double-decker Swell and Great but sideways on so can speak both ways. The pedal section I guess will again be on both sides of the triforia - I always wondered why the 16-8-4 pedal reed unit was put on the south side with the 32ft bottom octave directly behind the console!

It was a lovely instrument to work on - I did it for nigh-on 30 years and look forward to its reincarnation.



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An incredible project for sure! I must admit though, as an unashamed romantic, I will miss the Unda Maris on the choir. It's divisive I know, but I love having a celeste that isn't a string! Our American cousins have made a very fine art out of these stops!


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3 hours ago, SomeChap said:

Thanks Peter for all your inside knowledge.   Watching with interest

(btw I'm not particularly an unashamed romantic, but I am also a fan of an unenclosed, flute-toned Unda Maris!)

A rare beast indeed - an unenclosed flute toned celeste btw! LOL

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3 hours ago, undamaris said:

A rare beast indeed - an unenclosed flute toned celeste btw! LOL

Hmm I'd understood Cavaille-Coll put them on his (usually unenclosed) Positif organs quite often - to undulate with the Cor de Nuit?   Or did I get that wrong?  I've definitely played one in the past in France but can't for the life of me remember where.  St Etienne in Caen maybe?

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5 hours ago, SomeChap said:

BTW I was also a fan of the Diapason Celeste that used to be on the York Minster Swell.  I think it's been renamed Open Diapason II in the recent Harrison work, so presumably no longer undulates?

Actually, I believe it does still undulate.  Others who know better than I may confirm that.

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18 hours ago, SomeChap said:

Hmm I'd understood Cavaille-Coll put them on his (usually unenclosed) Positif organs quite often - to undulate with the Cor de Nuit?   Or did I get that wrong?  I've definitely played one in the past in France but can't for the life of me remember where.  St Etienne in Caen maybe?

There is one on the organ of St Francois in Lyon on the enclosed Positif.  A delightful stop, and as another unashamed romantic, I applaud the good taste of the other contributors.

Edited by john carter
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  • 2 weeks later...

Further details of the work, and fine photographs, in this article by Ashley Grote.


On 15/06/2022 at 17:25, P DeVile said:

I hope that the case pipes remain as they are - tin would not work with that design.

The pipes are to be re-gilded; otherwise the organ’s outward appearance will remain unchanged.

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