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Mander Organ Builders Forum

Cube Bass Again - The German Version

Guest Paul Isom

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Guest Paul Isom

My wife and I had the chance to visit the Oberlinger museum, organ building setup in Windeshiem (Germany) 10 days ago and I had a chance to play on one of their quite extraordinary organs designed specifically for home use. They have developed their own version of the Compton cube bass - called 'Cubus'. For those of us with limited space who want a 16' stop, look no further! The cube seems to take up less room than the Compton cube base, and the tone appears to move from colourful flute in the 8' octave to a 16' flute/string tone in the bass. The match is excellent and is a real improvement on the bee-in-the-bottle Sordun/Dulzian efforts of the past. Apparently they can also do a 32', but I have yet to hear this. For those of you that can spare the time and petrol, you should visit the musem and see the extraordinary collection of organs, pianos and harpsichords -and book some time on the excellent 3m French-style concert organ they have built. We were so taken with their organs, we ended up buying one (a 5 stop 1m) which arrives next week. There is also a rather dangerous shop chock full of CDs, music, books etc..................... Considering we only went to buy some musical pastry cutters and some postcards, it's been an expensive 10 days!

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