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Mander Organ Builders Forum

Redundant Organs

Guest Paul Isom

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Guest Paul Isom

Apologies for using the discussion board as a messaging service. I am looking for two redundant pipe organs for a couple of churches in my diocese where I am D.O.A. They need to be in good condition, around 10-15 stops. We'll even accept extension organs if they're any good! If any of you know of any instruments going begging can you email me on paul.isom@ntlworld.com. I've tried the normal avenues and had no joy at all, having missed several potentially suitable instruments. The churches are both serioulsy strapped for cash, but have at least had the courage of their convictions to decide that a pipe organ is what they really want.


Oh - and welcome back - I too have had withdrawal symptoms!


Paul Isom

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Apologies for using the discussion board as a messaging service. I am looking for two redundant pipe organs for a couple of churches in my diocese where I am D.O.A. They need to be in good condition, around 10-15 stops. We'll even accept extension organs if they're any good! If any of you know of any instruments going begging can you email me on paul.isom@ntlworld.com. I've tried the normal avenues and had no joy at all, having missed several potentially suitable instruments. The churches are both serioulsy strapped for cash, but have at least had the courage of their convictions to decide that a pipe organ is what they really want.


Oh - and welcome back - I too have had withdrawal symptoms!


Paul Isom


What's a D.O.A.?


In my dayjob it means "dead on arrival" :lol: .....

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Guest Barry Oakley

Apologies for using the discussion board as a messaging service. I am looking for two redundant pipe organs for a couple of churches in my diocese where I am D.O.A. They need to be in good condition, around 10-15 stops. We'll even accept extension organs if they're any good! If any of you know of any instruments going begging can you email me on paul.isom@ntlworld.com. I've tried the normal avenues and had no joy at all, having missed several potentially suitable instruments. The churches are both serioulsy strapped for cash, but have at least had the courage of their convictions to decide that a pipe organ is what they really want.


Oh - and welcome back - I too have had withdrawal symptoms!


Paul Isom


Paul, Don't know if there's anything here that might take your eye?


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Apologies for using the discussion board as a messaging service. I am looking for two redundant pipe organs for a couple of churches in my diocese where I am D.O.A. They need to be in good condition, around 10-15 stops. We'll even accept extension organs if they're any good! If any of you know of any instruments going begging can you email me on paul.isom@ntlworld.com. I've tried the normal avenues and had no joy at all, having missed several potentially suitable instruments. The churches are both serioulsy strapped for cash, but have at least had the courage of their convictions to decide that a pipe organ is what they really want.


Oh - and welcome back - I too have had withdrawal symptoms!


Paul Isom


There was at least one on eBay (UK site) last night, from a chapel which is closing - opening bid £500.00.

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Douglas, you didn't mention that very fine three-manual Klais going begging in Aachen! But perhaps the instrument has already been removed since the organ pages on the church's concert site seem to have been removed: http://www.konzerte3f.de/index.php


(Admittedly, it's a bit big for Paul's needs.)


Thanks, VH - of course I should have mentioned that one.


So far as I know it is still there and still for sale.

When I was in Aachen last week they simply told me about the church closing - no mention of the organ already having been dismantled.


Do want to extract the spec from your tour report and post it here?


Incidentally, to which St Paul's are you referring? Did I miss something?

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Thanks, VH - of course I should have mentioned that one.


So far as I know it is still there and still for sale.

When I was in Aachen last week they simply told me about the church closing - no mention of the organ already having been dismantled.


Do want to extract the spec from your tour report and post it here?


Incidentally, to which St Paul's are you referring? Did I miss something?

Er... St Paul, as in the gent who originally asked the question in post #1! B)


Yup. Here's the spec.:


Dreifaltigkeitskirche, Aachen

Klais, 1987


Hauptwerk (II)

Bourdon 16

Prinzipal 8

Offenflöte 8

Trichtergedackt 8

Octave 4

Rohrflöte 4

Quinte 2 2/3

Superoctave 2

Cornet V

Mixtur V

Trompete 8


Rückpositiv (I)

Gedackt 8

Rohrflöte 8

Quintadena 8

Praestant 4

Blockflöte 4

Prinzipal 4

Larigot 1 1/3

Sesquialter II

Scharff IV

Cromorne 8



Schwellwerk (III)

Holzprinzipal 8

Suavial 8

Vox coelestis 8

Prinzipal 4

Flûte octaviante 4

Nasard 2 2/3

Waldflöte 2

Terz 1 3/5

Sifflet 1

Plein Jeu V

Basson 16

Trompette harmonique 8

Hautbois 8

Clairon 4




Prinzipal 16

Subbaß 16

Octave 8

Spitzflöte 8

Tenoroctave 4

Rohrpfeife 4

Hintersatz IV

Posaune 16

Trompete 8


Couplers & Accesories

I/II, I/P, II/P (mechanical)

III/II, III/I, III/P (electric)

Swell pedal

Crescendo pedal

8 general pistons


I particularly remember the Sw. Holzprinzipal as having to double duty as both a diapason and a flute - and doing it rather well. A clever solution that deserves to be considered more often when there is room only for three 8' Sw stops.


Apologies to Paul for slightly hijacking his thread.

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Er... St Paul, as in the gent who originally asked the question in post #1! :(


My apologies - I read a "St" where there wasn't one originally.

That'll teach me to read more carefully and not to send hasty posts after driving to Glasgow and back in the space of 23 hours!


Here's another interesting redundant organ:


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Guest Roffensis

Apologies for using the discussion board as a messaging service. I am looking for two redundant pipe organs for a couple of churches in my diocese where I am D.O.A. They need to be in good condition, around 10-15 stops. We'll even accept extension organs if they're any good! If any of you know of any instruments going begging can you email me on paul.isom@ntlworld.com. I've tried the normal avenues and had no joy at all, having missed several potentially suitable instruments. The churches are both serioulsy strapped for cash, but have at least had the courage of their convictions to decide that a pipe organ is what they really want.


Oh - and welcome back - I too have had withdrawal symptoms!


Paul Isom



You could have had the old Hill organ at St. Barnabas', Gillingham, Kent, before that was scrapped. An absolute gem, and a tragic waste of a very fine pipe organ. Surely there must be several redundant churches in Kent that no longer have use of the organ?



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